Analyzing the Ripple Effects of Refactoring. A Registered Report

7 Pages Posted: 26 Sep 2024

See all articles by Mikel Robredo Manero

Mikel Robredo Manero

University of Oulu

Matteo Esposito

University of Oulu; University of Rome Tor Vergata

Fabio Palomba

University of Salerno

Rafael Peñaloza

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

Valentina Lenarduzzi

University of Oulu

Date Written: May 31, 2024


Background: Shortening development cycles and pressure mounting to continuously deliver releases make developers resort to expedients, shortcuts, and, ultimately, detrimental design choices, resulting in intricate and difficult-to-maintain software systems. A classical solution is code refactoring to reduce code complexity and aid maintainability. Nonetheless, developers perceive refactoring as a substantial cost and risk. 

Aim: Our study seeks to provide recommendations for developers by analyzing the long-term effect of refactoring on the code base, thereby aiding in strategic development decisions. 

Method: We will analyze the long-term effect of refactoring activities on software code via change and defective proneness of refactoring and benefit/effort ratio analysis. 

Expected Results: Our expected contributions are actionable recommendations for practitioners regarding the long-term implications of refactoring.

Keywords: Software Quality, Software Maintenance, Refactoring, Empirical Software Engineering

Suggested Citation

Robredo Manero, Mikel and Esposito, Matteo and Palomba, Fabio and Peñaloza, Rafael and Lenarduzzi, Valentina, Analyzing the Ripple Effects of Refactoring. A Registered Report (May 31, 2024). Available at SSRN: or

Mikel Robredo Manero

University of Oulu ( email )

P.O. Box 4600
Oulu FIN-90014, 90570

Matteo Esposito (Contact Author)

University of Oulu ( email )

P.O. Box 4600
Oulu FIN-90014, 90570

University of Rome Tor Vergata ( email )

Fabio Palomba

University of Salerno ( email )

Rafael Peñaloza

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca ( email )

Valentina Lenarduzzi

University of Oulu ( email )

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