AI-Driven Failed Trials in Investment Strategies: A Network Data Analysis Approach

14 Pages Posted: 7 Oct 2024

See all articles by Karolina Bolesta

Karolina Bolesta

Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) - Department of Economics I

Mutlu Akar

Yildiz Technical University

Ioana Coita

University of Oradea

Claudia Tarantola

University of Milan

Maria Iannario

CSEF - University of Naples Federico II

Joerg Osterrieder

University of Twente; Bern Business School

Ciprian Sipos

West University of Timisoara

Peter Schwendner

Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Barbara Bedowska-Sojka

Poznań University of Economics and Business

Galena Pisoni

York St John University

Armela Maxhelaku

University of Tirana

Suela Maxhelaku

University of Tirana - Department of Informatics

Abraham Itzhak Weinberg

A.I. Weinberg Ltd.

Veni Arakelian

UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies

Ramona Rupeika-Apoga

University of Latvia

Sabrina Giordano

Università` della Calabria

Olivija Filipovska

Geostrategic Institute Global

Lucia Gomez Teijeiro

Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH); University of Geneva

Frederik Sinan Bernard

University of Twente

Date Written: September 17, 2024


In recent years, the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and quantitative finance has sparked significant interest for formulating and guiding investment strategies. In contrast to the leading discourse focusing on AI success case studies, this paper addresses particularly "failed trials" driven by AI implementations for investment strategies and on the strategic use of AI to simulate and learn from such failures. Understanding the underlying factors that lead to under-performing AI-powered solutions for investment and the parameters used in AI simulations of failed trials is instrumental to guide future developments towards designing more resilient AI systems for investment. In this context, we introduce network data analysis as a powerful tool to enhance these models by capturing complex interdependencies and systemic risks within financial markets. Our study also addresses the broader implications of explainable AI and policy frameworks for AI-powered investment, emphasizing the need for transparency in finance AI-driven decision-making. Together, this paper proposes integrating advanced AI methodologies with network data analysis, while emphasizing explainability and policy orientation, therefore contributing holistically to both the academic discourse and practical applications of these technologies in risk management and investment optimization.

Keywords: AI, failed trials, quantitative finance, investment strategies, network data analysis, transparency

Suggested Citation

Bolesta, Karolina and Akar, Mutlu and Coita, Ioana and Tarantola, Claudia and Iannario, Maria and Osterrieder, Joerg and Sipos, Ciprian and Schwendner, Peter and Bedowska-Sojka, Barbara and Pisoni, Galena and Maxhelaku, Armela and Maxhelaku, Suela and Weinberg, Abraham Itzhak and Arakelian, Veni and Rupeika-Apoga, Ramona and Giordano, Sabrina and Filipovska, Olivija and Gomez Teijeiro, Lucia and Bernard, Frédérik Sinan, AI-Driven Failed Trials in Investment Strategies: A Network Data Analysis Approach (September 17, 2024). Available at SSRN: or

Karolina Bolesta (Contact Author)

Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) - Department of Economics I ( email )


Mutlu Akar

Yildiz Technical University ( email )

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Ioana Coita

University of Oradea

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Claudia Tarantola

University of Milan ( email )

Maria Iannario

CSEF - University of Naples Federico II ( email )

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Joerg Osterrieder

University of Twente ( email )

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Bern Business School ( email )

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Bern, BE 3005

Ciprian Sipos

West University of Timisoara ( email )

Str. J. H. Pestalozzi, nr. 16
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300115 (Fax)

Peter Schwendner

Zurich University of Applied Sciences ( email )

School of Management and Law
Gertrudstrasse 8
Winterthur, CH 8401

Barbara Bedowska-Sojka

Poznań University of Economics and Business ( email )

Al. Niepodległości 10
Poznań, Great Poland 61-875

Galena Pisoni

York St John University ( email )

Lord Mayor's Walk York
York, YO31 7EX
United Kingdom

Armela Maxhelaku

University of Tirana ( email )

Suela Maxhelaku

University of Tirana - Department of Informatics ( email )


Abraham Itzhak Weinberg

A.I. Weinberg Ltd. ( email )

Veni Arakelian

UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies ( email )

Ramona Rupeika-Apoga

University of Latvia ( email )

19 Raina Boulevard
Riga LV 1586

Sabrina Giordano

Università` della Calabria ( email )

Olivija Filipovska

Geostrategic Institute Global ( email )

Skopje, 1000

Lucia Gomez Teijeiro

Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) ( email )

Brückenstrasse 73
CP 3005
Bern, BE 3005

University of Geneva ( email )

102 Bd Carl-Vogt
Genève, CH - 1205

Frédérik Sinan Bernard

University of Twente ( email )

Drienerlolaan 5
Departement of High-Tech Business
Twente, Enschede 7522NB
0534895927 (Phone)


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