On the (Market Microstructure) Origins of the Return Distribution 

80 Pages Posted: 1 Nov 2024

See all articles by Tolga Cenesizoglu

Tolga Cenesizoglu

HEC Montreal - Department of Finance

Gunnar Grass

HEC Montréal

Date Written: October 25, 2024


We propose a reduced-form microstructure model of price formation in an order-driven market. In this framework, the shape of the return distribution over a given interval is determined jointly by the distribution of market orders and the average shape of the limit order book over the same interval. We derive the closed form solutions for the first four central moments of the return distribution as functions of the mean and variance of the market order distribution and slopes, imbalance and convexity of the bid and ask sides of the limit order book. For a symmetric market order distribution, (1) the mean and skewness of the return distribution are increasing functions of the LOB imbalance (the ratio of the slopes of the ask and bid sides); (2) the return variance is a decreasing function of the LOB convexity (the ratio of the slopes of the higher and lower levels); (3) the return kurtosis is an increasing function of the LOB convexity. We test and provide empirical support for the predictions of our model using comprehensive ultra-high-frequency limit order book data for a sample of NYSE stocks from 2002 to 2012. We establish the causal effect of the shape of the limit order book on the distribution of stock returns using RegSHO as an exogenous shock to the shape of the limit order book.

Keywords: Limit Order Book, Imbalance, Convexity, Skewness, Kurtosis, Quantiles, Market Order Distribution

JEL Classification: G18

Suggested Citation

Cenesizoglu, Tolga and Grass, Gunnar, On the (Market Microstructure) Origins of the Return Distribution  (October 25, 2024). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4999426 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4999426

Tolga Cenesizoglu (Contact Author)

HEC Montreal - Department of Finance ( email )

3000 Chemin de la Cote-Sainte-Catherine
Montreal, Quebec H3T 2A7

HOME PAGE: http://www.hec.ca/en/profs/tolga.cenesizoglu.html

Gunnar Grass

HEC Montréal ( email )

3000, Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montreal, Quebec H3T2A7
5143401540 (Phone)

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