Selecting the Most Promising Areas to Introduce Pooled Feeder Services When the Demand is Unknown: Case Study of Krakow, Poland
23 Pages Posted: 19 Nov 2024
In this study, our objective is to propose a parameter-free method to assess the potential of on-demand pooled transit feeder services in urban areas when the demand for the newly introduced service is unknown.We introduce the 'fraction of demand' as a variable, which reflects the probability that a resident of an analysed area will use the on-demand transit feeder service. We generate demand for a new service based on the distribution of residents' address points at varying demand fraction levels. Through multiple replications, we simulate the matching of travellers into pooled rides and evaluate the service's potential using three ride-pooling performance indicators. We examine the indicators to observe how the key performance indicators (KPIs) change as demand fractions vary. For each preselected area, we identify the most promising hub by assessing its performance. We then establish three KPI thresholds and select the optimal combination of area and hub that meets these thresholds at the lowest demand fraction. This approach helps municipalities in the absence of data on exact demand for a new service to compare and select the most promising area to launch the service.
Keywords: shared mobility, ride-pooling, on-demand feeder, ride-sharing
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