Integration of Energy Communities in Distribution Grids: Development Paths for Local Energy Coordination

18 Pages Posted: 25 Nov 2024

See all articles by Henning Taxt

Henning Taxt

SINTEF Energy Research

Sigurd Bjarghov

SINTEF Energy Research

Magnus Askeland

SINTEF Energy Research

Pedro Crespo del Granado

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Andrei Morch

SINTEF Energy Research

Merkebu Zenefe Degefa

University of Stavanger

Rubi Rana

SINTEF Energy Research


Energy Communities (ECs) have received increasing interest in recent years, with diverse perceptions of what they are and how they are expected to interact with existing infrastructure. This is particularly important with regard to the distribution system. ECs are expected to bring certain benefits in the transition towards a renewables-dominated electricity system, but that requires an awareness and coordination with the power system and particularly the electricity distribution. This paper intends to structure the discourse on EC integration in the distribution system, by identifying the  two most critical factors in the interaction, namely the decentralization of coordination responsibility, and advancement of active distribution system management. These two factors are used in a 2-by-2 scenario topology to identify four scenarios for local energy coordination that will govern the development of ECs. The scenarios are in turn used to discuss different developments paths for ECs.

Keywords: Energy Communities (ECs), Distribution System Operators (DSOs), Local Energy Coordination, Flexibility Markets, Scenario Frameworks

Suggested Citation

Taxt, Henning and Bjarghov, Sigurd and Askeland, Magnus and Crespo del Granado, Pedro and Morch, Andrei and Degefa, Merkebu Zenefe and Rana, Rubi, Integration of Energy Communities in Distribution Grids: Development Paths for Local Energy Coordination. Available at SSRN: or

Henning Taxt

SINTEF Energy Research ( email )

Kolbjørn Hejes vei 1A
Trondheim, NO-7034

Sigurd Bjarghov

SINTEF Energy Research ( email )

Kolbjørn Hejes vei 1A
Trondheim, NO-7034

Magnus Askeland (Contact Author)

SINTEF Energy Research ( email )

Kolbjørn Hejes vei 1A
Trondheim, NO-7034

Pedro Crespo del Granado

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) ( email )

Andrei Morch

SINTEF Energy Research ( email )

Kolbjørn Hejes vei 1A
Trondheim, NO-7034

Merkebu Zenefe Degefa

University of Stavanger ( email )

PB 8002
Stavanger, 4036

Rubi Rana

SINTEF Energy Research ( email )

Kolbjørn Hejes vei 1A
Trondheim, NO-7034

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