Managerial Actions in Response to a Market Downturn: Valuation Effects of Name Changes in the Dot.Com Decline
Posted: 9 Apr 2004
There are 2 versions of this paper
Managerial Actions in Response to a Market Downturn: Valuation Effects of Name Changes in the Dot.Com Decline
We investigate stock price reactions to Internet related name changes in a market downturn. In contrast to the Internet boom period, during which there was a surge of additions, in the bust period, there is a dramatic reduction in the pace of additions accompanied by a rapid increase in name deletions. Following the Internet crash of mid-2000, investors react positively to name changes for firms that remove from their name. This deletion effect produces cumulative abnormal returns on the order of 64 percent for the sixty days surrounding the announcement day. Our results add support to a growing body of literature that documents that investors are potentially influenced by cosmetic effects and that managers rationally time corporate actions to take advantage of these biases.
Keywords: Behavioral finance, market efficiency, dotcom firms
JEL Classification: G12
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