Sustainable Development: Renewable Resources and Technological Progress

13 Pages Posted: 7 Apr 2004

See all articles by Simone Valente

Simone Valente

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Date Written: April 2004


Conflicts between optimality and sustainability are typical in the literature on sustainable development. Using the 'capital-resource' growth model, Pezzey and Withagen (1998) have proved that if natural resources are exhaustible, the time-path of consumption is single-peaked, declining from some point in time onwards. This paper extends the model to include technical progress, resource renewability, extraction costs and population growth. The main result is that, for any constant returns to scale technology, optimal paths can be sustainable only if the social discount rate does not exceed the sum of the rates of resource regeneration and augmentation. The development of resource-saving techniques is crucial for sustaining consumption per capita in the long run, whereas capital depreciation and extraction costs are neutral with respect to this sustainability condition.

Keywords: Optimal Growth, Renewable Resources, Sustainable Development, Technological Progress

JEL Classification: Q20, O11, O30

Suggested Citation

Valente, Simone, Sustainable Development: Renewable Resources and Technological Progress (April 2004). Available at SSRN: or

Simone Valente (Contact Author)

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) ( email )

Department of Economics
NTNU Dragvoll
Trondheim NO-7491

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