Compliance of Audit Committee Requirements: A Brief Review of the Practice

Journal of Malaysian Institute of Accountants, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 4-7, 2001

14 Pages Posted: 28 Oct 2004

See all articles by Zulkarnain Muhamad Sori

Zulkarnain Muhamad Sori

INCEIF, The Global University of Islamic Finance; INCEIF, The Global University of Islamic Finance

Shamsher Mohamad

University Putra Malaysia - Graduate School of Management

Mohamad Ali Abdul Hamid

Universiti Putra Malaysia


This paper discusses the characteristics of the audit committees of main and second board firms, with respect to compliance with listing requirements. The discussion focuses on the aspects of formation, independence, chairperson, reporting and turnover of audit committee's members.

Keywords: Audit Committee, Compliance, Formation, Independence, Reporting

JEL Classification: M14, M41, M49, G34

Suggested Citation

Muhamad Sori, Zulkarnain and Mohamad, Shamsher and Abdul Hamid, Mohamad Ali, Compliance of Audit Committee Requirements: A Brief Review of the Practice. Journal of Malaysian Institute of Accountants, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 4-7, 2001, Available at SSRN:

Zulkarnain Muhamad Sori (Contact Author)

INCEIF, The Global University of Islamic Finance ( email )

Lorong Universiti A
Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur 59100
+60376514173 (Phone)


INCEIF, The Global University of Islamic Finance ( email )

Lorong Universiti A
Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur 59100
+60376514173 (Phone)


Shamsher Mohamad

University Putra Malaysia - Graduate School of Management ( email )

Selangor Darul Ehsan
Serdang, Selangor 43400

Mohamad Ali Abdul Hamid

Universiti Putra Malaysia ( email )

Selangor Darul Ehsan
Serdang, Selangor 43400