Pro-Poor Growth: A Primer
28 Pages Posted: 20 Apr 2016
Date Written: March 17, 2004
These days it seems that almost everyone in the development community is talking about "pro-poor growth." What exactly is it, and how can we measure it? Is ordinary economic growth always "pro-poor growth" or is that some special kind of growth? And if it is something special, what makes it happen? Ravallion first reviews alternative approaches to defining and measuring "pro-poor growth." He then analyzes evidence on whether growth is pro-poor, what factors make it more pro-poor (including the role played by both initial inequality and changing inequality), and whether the factors that make the distribution of the gains from growth pro-poor come at a cost to growth. The author identifies some priorities for future research.
This paper - a product of the Poverty Team, Development Research Group - is part of a larger effort in the group to contribute to knowledge about the link between economic growth and poverty reduction.
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