Market and Non-Market Transfers of Land in Ethiopia: Implications for Efficiency, Equity, and Non-Farm Development

30 Pages Posted: 20 Apr 2016

See all articles by Klaus Deininger

Klaus Deininger

World Bank - Development Economics Group (DEC); World Bank - Development Research Group (DECRG)

Songqing Jin

Michigan State University

Mulat Demeke

Addis Ababa University

Berhanu Adenew

World Bank

Samuel Gebre-Selassie

World Bank

Date Written: March 2003


The authors use data from Ethiopia to empirically assess determinants of participation in land rental markets, compare these to those of administrative land reallocation, and make inferences on the likely impact of households' expectations regarding future redistribution. Results indicate that rental markets outperform administrative reallocation in terms of efficiency and poverty. Households who have part-time jobs in the off-farm sector are significantly more likely to expect land to be taken away from them through administrative means. Eliminating the scope for administrative land reallocation may thus be a precondition for more vigorous development of the off-farm sector.

This paper - a product of Rural Development, Development Research Group - is part of a larger effort in the group to assess the impact of land policies on equity and productive development.

Suggested Citation

Deininger, Klaus and Jin, Songqing and Demeke, Mulat and Adenew, Berhanu and Gebre-Selassie, Samuel, Market and Non-Market Transfers of Land in Ethiopia: Implications for Efficiency, Equity, and Non-Farm Development (March 2003). Available at SSRN:

Klaus Deininger (Contact Author)

World Bank - Development Economics Group (DEC) ( email )

1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20433
United States


World Bank - Development Research Group (DECRG)

1818 H. Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20433
United States

Songqing Jin

Michigan State University ( email )

Agriculture Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824-1122
United States

Mulat Demeke

Addis Ababa University ( email )

P.O. Box 1176
Addis Ababa

Berhanu Adenew

World Bank

1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20433
United States

Samuel Gebre-Selassie

World Bank

1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20433
United States