The Conglomerate Discount: A New Explanation Based on Credit Risk

13 Pages Posted: 9 Jan 2005 Last revised: 26 Mar 2014

See all articles by Manuel Ammann

Manuel Ammann

University of St. Gallen - School of Finance

Michael Verhofen

University of St. Gallen - Swiss Institute of Banking and Finance

Date Written: January 7, 2005


We present a simple new explanation for the diversification discount in the valuation of firms. We demonstrate that, ceteris paribus, limited liability of equity holders is sufficient to explain a diversification discount. To derive this result, we use a credit risk model based on the value of the firm's assets. We show that a conglomerate can be regarded as an option on a portfolio of assets. By splitting up the conglomerate, the investor receives a portfolio of options on assets. The conglomerate discount arises because the value of a portfolio of options is always equal to or higher than the value of an option on a portfolio. The magnitude of the conglomerate discount depends on the number of business units and their correlation, as well as their volatility, among other factors.

Keywords: Diversification discount, credit risk

JEL Classification: G12

Suggested Citation

Ammann, Manuel and Verhofen, Michael, The Conglomerate Discount: A New Explanation Based on Credit Risk (January 7, 2005). Available at SSRN: or

Manuel Ammann

University of St. Gallen - School of Finance ( email )

Unterer Graben 21
St.Gallen, CH-9000

Michael Verhofen (Contact Author)

University of St. Gallen - Swiss Institute of Banking and Finance ( email )
