Dynamic Security Design

51 Pages Posted: 8 Feb 2005

See all articles by Bruno Biais

Bruno Biais

Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

Thomas Mariotti

University of Toulouse I

Guillaume Plantin

University of Toulouse 1 - Toulouse School of Economics (TSE)

Jean-Charles Rochet

University of Toulouse Capitole - Toulouse School of Economics

Multiple version iconThere are 2 versions of this paper

Date Written: November 2004


We analyze dynamic financial contracting under moral hazard. The ability to rely on future rewards relaxes the tension between incentive and participation constraints, relative to the static case. Managers are incited by the promise of future payments after several successes and the threat of liquidation after several failures. The more severe the moral hazard problem, the greater the liquidation risk. The optimal contract can be implemented by holding cash reserves and by issuing debt and equity. The firm is liquidated when it runs out of cash. Dividends are paid only when accumulated earnings reach a certain threshold. In the continuous time limit of the model, stocks follow a diffusion process, with a stochastic volatility that increases after price drops. In line with empirical findings, performance shocks induce long lasting changes in leverage.

Keywords: Security design, moral hazard, asset pricing, dynamic financial contracting

JEL Classification: D82, G12, G32, G35

Suggested Citation

Biais, Bruno and Mariotti, Thomas and Plantin, Guillaume and Rochet, Jean-Charles, Dynamic Security Design (November 2004). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=663363

Bruno Biais (Contact Author)

Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) ( email )

United Kingdom

Thomas Mariotti

University of Toulouse I ( email )

Toulouse, 31000

Guillaume Plantin

University of Toulouse 1 - Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) ( email )

Place Anatole-France
Toulouse Cedex, F-31042

Jean-Charles Rochet

University of Toulouse Capitole - Toulouse School of Economics ( email )
