Unpublished Supplement to Another Worthy Tradition
9 Pages Posted: 11 Apr 2005
Date Written: April 5, 2005
I published an article in the Missouri Law Review, called "Another Worthy Tradition: How the Free Speech Curriculum Ignores Electronic Media and Distorts Free Speech Doctrine." The cite is 70 Missouri L. Rev. 59 (2005). In that article, in Part III, I examined a sample of First Amendment textbooks used in the top ten ranked law schools. I wrote the first draft of that article, however, in 2003 while a third-year law student at Harvard Law School. By the time it was accepted and going through edits, it was September of 2004. So I updated my sample. As a result, I analyzed some different books. This file includes the textbooks in the previous sample that I had to drop in the new sample.
This file has not gone through law review revision, nor my own exhaustive revision. If there are flaws in it, I would be happy to correct them. I provide the analysis of the other textbooks merely because they provide more evidence for my findings, and because they may interest a curious reader.
Keywords: First Amendment, Free Speech, Law Teaching
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation