The Risk Aversion of Banks in Emerging Credit markets: Evidence from India

30 Pages Posted: 20 Oct 2004

See all articles by Sumon K. Bhaumik

Sumon K. Bhaumik

Aston University - Aston Business School; Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA); University of Michigan at Ann Arbor - Stephen M. Ross School of Business, William Davidson Institute

Jenifer Piesse

University of Stellbosch; King's College London - Department of Management

Date Written: May 2005


Using bank-level data from India, for nine years (1995-96 to 2003-04), we examine banks' behavior in the context of emerging credit markets. Our results indicate that the credit market behavior of banks in emerging markets is determined by past trends, the diversity of the potential pool of borrowers to whom a bank can lend, and regulations regarding treatment of NPA and lending restrictions imposed by the Reserve Bank of India. Finally, we find evidence that suggest that credit disbursal by banks can be facilitated by regulatory and institutional changes that help banks mitigate the problems associated with enforcement of debt covenants and treatment of NPA on the balance sheets. On the basis of these results, we speculate on some possible policy recommendations.

Keywords: Credit market, Emerging economies, Risk averseness, Panel data analysis

JEL Classification: D81, E44, G21

Suggested Citation

Bhaumik, Sumon K. and Bhaumik, Sumon K. and Piesse, Jenifer, The Risk Aversion of Banks in Emerging Credit markets: Evidence from India (May 2005). William Davidson Institute Discussion Paper No. 774, Available at SSRN: or

Sumon K. Bhaumik (Contact Author)

Aston University - Aston Business School ( email )

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Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) ( email )

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University of Michigan at Ann Arbor - Stephen M. Ross School of Business, William Davidson Institute

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Jenifer Piesse

University of Stellbosch

Stellenbosch, Western Cape
South Africa

King's College London - Department of Management ( email )

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