When Does Private Discrimination Justify Public Affirmative Action?
98 Columbia L. Review 1577 (1998)
65 Pages Posted: 19 Apr 1998
There are 2 versions of this paper
When Does Private Discrimination Justify Public Affirmative Action?
98 Columbia L. Review 1577 (1998)
Number of pages: 65
Posted: 19 Apr 1998
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When Does Private Discrimination Justify Public Affirmative Action?
Columbia Law Review, November 1998
Posted: 01 May 1998
Date Written: November 01, 1998
and seminar participants at Cornell, Florida State, Kansas, Valparaiso, and Yale law schools provided helpful comments. (Professor Ayres has advised the Justice Department in its post-Adarand review of affirmative action. The authors have also submitted comments to the Small Business Administration and the Department of Transportation. The opinions expressed in this Article are not necessarily the views of the Justice Department, or any other federal agency.)
JEL Classification: K10, K31
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Ayres, Ian and Vars, Fredrick E., When Does Private Discrimination Justify Public Affirmative Action? (November 01, 1998). 98 Columbia L. Review 1577 (1998), Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=77628 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.77628
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