Work Hours, Wages, and Vacation Leave

48 Pages Posted: 16 Dec 2005 Last revised: 5 May 2023

See all articles by Joseph G. Altonji

Joseph G. Altonji

Yale University - Economic Growth Center; National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER); Yale University - Cowles Foundation

Emiko Usui

Hitotsubashi University - Institute of Economic Research; IZA Institute of Labor Economics

Date Written: October 2005


Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and the Health and Retirement Study, we provide a set of facts about vacation leave and its relationship to hours worked, hours constraints, wage rates, worker characteristics, spouse's vacation leave, labor market experience, job tenure, occupation, industry, and labor market conditions. We show that on average vacation time taken rises 1 to 1 with paid vacation but varies around it, that annual hours worked fall by about 1 full time week with every week of paid vacation, that the gap between time taken and time paid for is higher for women, union members, and government workers, that hourly wage rates have a strong positive relationship with paid vacation weeks both in the cross section and across jobs, and that nonwage compensation is positively related to vacation weeks. We provide evidence that vacation leave is determined by broad employer policy rather than by negotiation between the worker and firm. In particular, it is strongly related to job seniority but depends very little on labor market experience, and for job changers it is only weakly related to the amount of vacation on the previous job.

Suggested Citation

Altonji, Joseph G. and Usui, Emiko, Work Hours, Wages, and Vacation Leave (October 2005). NBER Working Paper No. w11693, Available at SSRN:

Joseph G. Altonji (Contact Author)

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Emiko Usui

Hitotsubashi University - Institute of Economic Research ( email )

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