The Monetary Transmission Mechanism: Evidence from the G-7 Countries

26 Pages Posted: 13 Dec 2005

See all articles by Stefan Gerlach

Stefan Gerlach

Central Bank of Ireland; Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

Frank Smets

Ghent University - Department of General Economics; Bank for International Settlements (BIS) - Monetary and Economic Department

Date Written: April 1995


In this paper we compare the effects of monetary policy on output and prices in the G-7 countries using a parsimonious macroeconometric model comprising, output, prices and a short-term interest rate. We identify monetary policy shocks by assuming that they do not affect real output instantaneously (within the quarter) or in the long run and implement these restrictions using a sequential instrumental variables technique. We show that the so-called price-puzzle which has been noticed in the large VAR-literature in which only shortrun restrictions are used, disappears. This suggests that the puzzle is due to the fact that the use of only short-run identifying restrictions does not properly discriminate between contractionary aggregate supply shocks and monetary policy shocks. We conclude that the effects of a standardised monetary policy action are very similar across countries.

Suggested Citation

Gerlach, Stefan and Smets, Frank, The Monetary Transmission Mechanism: Evidence from the G-7 Countries (April 1995). BIS Working Paper No. 26, Available at SSRN: or

Stefan Gerlach (Contact Author)

Central Bank of Ireland ( email )

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Frank Smets

Ghent University - Department of General Economics ( email )

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Bank for International Settlements (BIS) - Monetary and Economic Department ( email )

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