Elicitation Using Multiple Price List Formats

38 Pages Posted: 29 Dec 2005 Last revised: 7 Jan 2008

See all articles by Steffen Andersen

Steffen Andersen

Copenhagen Business School - Department of Finance; CEPR

Glenn W. Harrison

Georgia State University - J. Mack Robinson College of Business

Morten I. Lau

Durham Business School

E. Elisabet Rutström

University of Central Florida - College of Business Administration

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We examine the properties of a popular method for eliciting choices and values from experimental subjects, the multiple price list format. The main advantage of this format is that it is relatively transparent to subjects and provides simple incentives for truthful revelation. The main disadvantages are that it only elicits interval responses, and could be susceptible to framing effects. We consider extensions to address and evaluate these concerns. We conclude that although there are framing effects, they can be controlled for with a design that allows for them. We also find that the elicitation of risk attitudes is sensitive to procedures, subject pools, and the format of the multiple price list table, but that the qualitative findings that participants are generally risk averse is robust. The elicitation of discount rates appear less sensitive to details of the experimental design.

Keywords: Multiple price lists, homegrown values, experiments, risk aversion, discount rates

JEL Classification: D81, D91, C91

Suggested Citation

Andersen, Steffen and Harrison, Glenn William and Lau, Morten Igel and Rutstrom, Elisabet, Elicitation Using Multiple Price List Formats. Experimental Economics, Vol. 9, No. 4 , pp. 383-405(23), December 2006, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=872285

Steffen Andersen

Copenhagen Business School - Department of Finance ( email )

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CEPR ( email )

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Glenn William Harrison (Contact Author)

Georgia State University - J. Mack Robinson College of Business ( email )

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Morten Igel Lau

Durham Business School ( email )

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Elisabet Rutstrom

University of Central Florida - College of Business Administration ( email )

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