Clues, Cues and Complexity: Unpackuing the Concept of Organizational Surprise

FEUNL Working Paper No. 45

21 Pages Posted: 16 Feb 2006

See all articles by Miguel Pina e Cunha

Miguel Pina e Cunha

Nova School of Business and Economics

Ken Kamoche

City University of Hong Kong (CityU) - Department of Management Sciences

Stewart R. Clegg

University of Technology, Sydney - School of Management; Nova School of Business and Economics

Date Written: 2004


We discuss why surprises, defined as events that happen unexpectedly or expected events that take unexpected shapes, are important to organizations and should be considered in the organizational literature. The concept of organizational surprises is unpacked on the basis of a typology built around the(un)expectedeness of issue and process. This typology uncovers the several types of surprising events that organizations may face, and contributes to the literature by suggesting that different surprises require distinct approaches.

Suggested Citation

Cunha, Miguel Pina e and Kamoche, Ken and Clegg, Stewart R., Clues, Cues and Complexity: Unpackuing the Concept of Organizational Surprise (2004). FEUNL Working Paper No. 45, Available at SSRN: or

Miguel Pina e Cunha (Contact Author)

Nova School of Business and Economics ( email )

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Ken Kamoche

City University of Hong Kong (CityU) - Department of Management Sciences ( email )

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Hong Kong

Stewart R. Clegg

University of Technology, Sydney - School of Management ( email )

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Nova School of Business and Economics ( email )

Campus de Carcavelos
Rua da Holanda, 1
Carcavelos, 2775-405