The Importance of Clusters for Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Sourcing

Posted: 29 Feb 2008

See all articles by Lisa De Propris

Lisa De Propris

University of Birmingham - Birmingham Business School

Nigel L. Driffield

Aston University - Aston Business School

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This paper examines the link between cluster development and inward foreign direct investment. The conventional policy approach has been to assume that inward foreign direct investment (FDI) can stimulate significant clustering activity, thus generating significant spillovers. This paper, however, questions this and shows that, while clusters can generate significant productivity spillovers from FDI, this only occurs in pre-existing clusters. Further, the paper demonstrates that foreign-owned firms that enter clusters also appropriate spillovers when domestic firms undertake investment, raising the possibility that clusters are important locations for so called technology, or knowledge sourcing activities by MNEs.

Keywords: Cluster, Foreign direct investment, Productivity spillovers

Suggested Citation

De Propris, Lisa and Driffield, Nigel L., The Importance of Clusters for Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Sourcing. Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 277-291, 2006, Available at SSRN:

Lisa De Propris (Contact Author)

University of Birmingham - Birmingham Business School ( email )

Edgbaston Park Road
Birmingham, B15 2TY
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Nigel L. Driffield

Aston University - Aston Business School ( email )

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United Kingdom


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