Can Wages Signal Kindness?

GATE Working Paper No. W.P.05-11

28 Pages Posted: 7 Jun 2006 Last revised: 10 May 2010

See all articles by Emrah Arbak

Emrah Arbak

Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS); University of Lyon II - Groupe dAnalyse et de Théorie Economique (GATE)

Laurence Kranich

State University of New York (SUNY) at Albany

Date Written: November 4, 2005


We model the interaction between an employer and a worker with interdependent preferences in a simple one-shot production process. In particular, we assume that the worker becomes kinder if she senses that her employer is an altruist. We assume that intentions are private information. Thus, the wage proposal signals the intentions of the employer to the worker. We show that if the workers have "reasonable" beliefs, then the unique prediction of the game is a separating equilibrium outcome in which wages are fully informative about the intentions of the employer. However, if there are several employers simultaneously bidding to hire a single worker, then there may exist another equilibrium in which wages are completely uninformative.

Keywords: altruism, asymmetric information, behavioral economy, game theory, labour relations, reciprocity

JEL Classification: C72, D82, J30

Suggested Citation

Arbak, Emrah and Kranich, Laurence, Can Wages Signal Kindness? (November 4, 2005). GATE Working Paper No. W.P.05-11, Available at SSRN: or

Emrah Arbak (Contact Author)

Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) ( email )

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Laurence Kranich

State University of New York (SUNY) at Albany ( email )

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