Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Inventors (But Never Asked): Evidence from the Patval-Eu Survey

47 Pages Posted: 17 Aug 2006

See all articles by Dietmar Harhoff

Dietmar Harhoff

Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition; Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

Myriam Mariani

University of Maastricht - Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (MERIT)

Paola Giuri

Department of Management; Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies

Stefano Brusoni

Bocconi University - CESPRI

Gustavo Crespi

University of Chile - Department of Economics

Dominique Francoz

Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Recherche

Alfonso Gambardella

Bocconi University - Department of Management and Technology

Walter Garcia-Fontes

Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences

Aldo Geuna

University of Turin - Department Cultures, Politics and Society

Raul Gonzales

Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Department of Economics and Business (DEB)

Karin Hoisl

Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition; Munich School of Management, Ludwig-Maximilians-University; Copenhagen Business School, Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics

Christian Le Bas

Université Catholique de Lyon - ESDES School of Business and Management

Alessandra Luzzi

Charles III University of Madrid - Department of Business Administration

Laura Magazzini

CERM Foundation (Rome, Italy)

Lionel Nesta

University of Sussex

Önder Nomaler

Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)

Neus Palomeras

Charles III University of Madrid - Department of Business Administration

Parimal Patel

University of Sussex - The Freeman Centre

Marzia Romanelli

Bank of Italy

Bart Verspagen

Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)

Date Written: July 2006


Based on a survey of the inventors of 9,017 European patented inventions, this paper provides new information about the characteristics of European inventors, the sources of their knowledge, the importance of formal and informal collaborations, the motivations to invent, and the actual use and economic value of the patents.

Keywords: Inventor, patent, incentives, innovation, patent system, patent value

JEL Classification: J24, O31, O34

Suggested Citation

Harhoff, Dietmar and Mariani, Myriam and Giuri, Paola and Brusoni, Stefano and Crespi, Gustavo and Francoz, Dominique and Gambardella, Alfonso and Garcia-Fontes, Walter and Geuna, Aldo and Gonzales, Raul and Hoisl, Karin and Le Bas, Christian and Luzzi, Alessandra and Magazzini, Laura and Nesta, Lionel and Nomaler, Önder and Palomeras, Neus and Patel, Parimal and Romanelli, Marzia and Verspagen, Bart, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Inventors (But Never Asked): Evidence from the Patval-Eu Survey (July 2006). CEPR Discussion Paper No. 5752, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=924898

Dietmar Harhoff (Contact Author)

Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition ( email )

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HOME PAGE: http://www.ip.mpg.de

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München ( email )

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Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

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Myriam Mariani

University of Maastricht - Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (MERIT) ( email )

P.O. Box 616
Maastricht, 6200 MD
+39 0347 5180190 (Phone)

Paola Giuri

Department of Management ( email )

Via Capo di Lucca 34
Bologna, 40126
+39.0541434217 (Phone)
+39.0541434120 (Fax)

HOME PAGE: http://www2.sa.unibo.it/docenti/paola.giuri/

Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies ( email )

Biblioteca Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
I-56127 Pisa, 56100

Stefano Brusoni

Bocconi University - CESPRI ( email )

Via Sarfatti 25
20136 Milan, MI 20136

Gustavo Crespi

University of Chile - Department of Economics ( email )

Diagonal Paraguay 257
Torre 26, Of. 1801
+56 2 678 3461 or 678 3463 (Phone)
+56 2 222 0775 (Fax)

Dominique Francoz

Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Recherche ( email )

DPD-C3, 3-5, boulevard Pasteu
75015 Paris

Alfonso Gambardella

Bocconi University - Department of Management and Technology ( email )

Via Roentgen 1
Milan, MI 20136

Walter Garcia-Fontes

Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences ( email )

Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27
Barcelona, 08005

Aldo Geuna

University of Turin - Department Cultures, Politics and Society ( email )

Lungo Dora Siena 100 A
Torino, 10153

Raul Gonzales

Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Department of Economics and Business (DEB) ( email )

Barcelona, 08005

Karin Hoisl

Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition ( email )

Marstallplatz 1
Munich, Bayern 80539

Munich School of Management, Ludwig-Maximilians-University ( email )

Kaulbachstraße 45
Munich, 80539

HOME PAGE: http://www.inno-tec.de/mitarbeiter/hoisl/index_e.html

Copenhagen Business School, Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics ( email )

Solbjerg Plads 3
Frederiksberg C, DK - 2000

HOME PAGE: http://www.cbs.dk/en/research/departments-and-centres/department-of-innovation-and-organizational-ec

Christian Le Bas

Université Catholique de Lyon - ESDES School of Business and Management ( email )

6, rue de l'Abbaye d'Ainay
Lyon, 69002

Alessandra Luzzi

Charles III University of Madrid - Department of Business Administration ( email )

Calle Madrid 126
Getafe, Madrid, Madrid 28903

Laura Magazzini

CERM Foundation (Rome, Italy)

Lionel Nesta

University of Sussex ( email )

Sussex House
Brighton, Sussex BNI 9RH
United Kingdom

Önder Nomaler

Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) ( email )

PO Box 513
Eindhoven, 5600 MB

Neus Palomeras

Charles III University of Madrid - Department of Business Administration ( email )

Calle Madrid 126
Getafe, Madrid, Madrid 28903

Parimal Patel

University of Sussex - The Freeman Centre ( email )

Sussex House
Brighton, Sussex BNI 9RH
United Kingdom

Marzia Romanelli

Bank of Italy ( email )

Via Nazionale 91
00184 Roma

Bart Verspagen

Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) ( email )

PO Box 513
Eindhoven, 5600 MB