Financial Globalization: A Reappraisal

91 Pages Posted: 30 Aug 2006 Last revised: 13 Aug 2022

See all articles by M. Ayhan Kose

M. Ayhan Kose

World Bank; Brookings Institution; Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR); Australian National University (ANU)

Eswar S. Prasad

Cornell University - Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management; Cornell University - Department of Economics; Brookings Institution; NBER; IZA Institute of Labor Economics; Cornell SC Johnson College of Business

Kenneth Rogoff

Harvard University - Department of Economics; National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

Shang-Jin Wei

Columbia University - Columbia Business School, Finance; National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER); Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

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Date Written: August 2006


The literature on the benefits and costs of financial globalization for developing countries has exploded in recent years, but along many disparate channels with a variety of apparently conflicting results. We attempt to provide a unified conceptual framework for organizing this vast and growing literature. This framework allows us to provide a fresh synthetic perspective on the macroeconomic effects of financial globalization, both in terms of growth and volatility. Overall, our critical reading of the recent empirical literature is that it lends some qualified support to the view that developing countries can benefit from financial globalization, but with many nuances. On the other hand, there is little systematic evidence to support widely-cited claims that financial globalization by itself leads to deeper and more costly developing country growth crises.

Suggested Citation

Kose, M. Ayhan and Prasad, Eswar S. and Rogoff, Kenneth S. and Wei, Shang-Jin, Financial Globalization: A Reappraisal (August 2006). NBER Working Paper No. w12484, Available at SSRN:

M. Ayhan Kose

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Eswar S. Prasad

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Kenneth S. Rogoff (Contact Author)

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Shang-Jin Wei

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National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

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