Ethics: Is Disinterestedness Still a Viable Concept? A Discussion
35 Pages Posted: 11 Oct 2006
The transcript of a panel discussion about disinterestedness among Prof. John D. Ayer, the Hon. Charles N. Clevert, the Hon. Joel Pelofsky, Bettina Whyte, and Nancy B. Rapoport.
Keywords: disinterestedness, bankruptcy, ethics, professional responsibility
JEL Classification: K00, K40
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Rapoport, Nancy B. and Ayer, John and Pelofsky, Joel and Whyte, Bettina M. and Clevert, Charles N., Ethics: Is Disinterestedness Still a Viable Concept? A Discussion. American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review, Vol. 5, p. 201, 1997, Available at SSRN:
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