A Herding Perspective on Global Games and Multiplicity

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Economics Working Paper No. 3-29 (08)

41 Pages Posted: 13 Dec 2006

See all articles by James S. Costain

James S. Costain

Banco de España - Research Department

Date Written: May 2003


Recently, it has been claimed that full-information multiple equilibria in games with strategic complementarities are not robust, because generalizing to allow slightly heterogeneous information implies uniqueness. This paper argues that this global games uniqueness result is itself not robust. If we generalize by allowing most agents to observe a few previous actions before choosing, instead of forcing players to move exactly simultaneously, then multiplicity of outcomes is restored. Only a small sample of observations is needed to make our herding equilibrium behave like a full-information sunspot equilibrium instead of a global games equilibrium.

Keywords: Herding, information cascades, multiplicity, uniqueness, heterogeneity, strategic complementarities, global games, adaptive learning, stochastic recursive algorithms

JEL Classification: C62, C72, C73, E00

Suggested Citation

Costain, James S., A Herding Perspective on Global Games and Multiplicity (May 2003). Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Economics Working Paper No. 3-29 (08), Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=950975 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.950975

James S. Costain (Contact Author)

Banco de España - Research Department ( email )

Alcala 50
28014 Madrid