The Concession Model as an Example for Public Private Partnership Projects in Germany: Analysis Based on the Herrentunnel and Warnowquerung Projects in Luebeck and Rostock (Das Konzessionmodell Als Beispiel Fur Public Private Partnership-Projekte: Eine Analyse Anhand Der Projekte Herrentunnel in Lubeck Und Warnowquerung in Rostock)
Posted: 2 Jul 2007 Last revised: 17 Mar 2009
Date Written: June 5, 2007
Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects play an ever greater role in Germany. Since this role is not yet comparable to the situation e.g. in Great Britain, there is room for more PPP projects in Germany. This article analyses the concession model as an example for Public Private Partnership projects under German law. Recently the concession model has been employed in two projects which are being presented in this study. At the time being, due to the restriction of the concession model to federal road projects and the focus on toll-based refinancing as well as the fact that toll-roads are unknown to the vast majority of German car drivers, the model faces serious challenges. Risk allocation on the side of the concessionaire limits the attractivity of the concession model for the private partner. In this article the existing problems and ideas to deal with them are examined as well as the limits existing proposals find in the lex lata.
Note: Downloadable document is in German
Keywords: Public, Private, Partnership
JEL Classification: H4, K39, R4
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation