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York University - Osgoode Hall Law School
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gig-economy, crowdwork, uberisation, casual work, non-standard work, fundamental principles and right at work
Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Digitalisation, People Analytics, Big Data, Platform-Economy, Human Rights, Labour Rights, Labour Protection, Contract of Employment
gig-economy, crowdwork, uberisation, casual work, platform-based work, fundamental principles and rights at work, sharing economy, 1099 economy
Gig-Economy, Platform Economy, On-Demand Economy, Casual Work, Uber, Uberisation, Non-Standard Employment, Fundamental Labour Rights, Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Smart Robots, People Analytics, Smart Robots, Management-by-Algorithm, Labour Protection, Regulation, Platform Work
platform work, on-demand work, crowdworking, gig-economy
Automation, job displacement, regulation, AI, algorithms, workplace, gig-economy, new forms of work, remote work, digital surveillance, algorithmic management, collective action, UBI, data protection
labour exception, solo self -employed, competition law, digital platforms
labour law, competition law, collective bargaining, self-employed workers, concept of undertaking, labour market power, labour market
workplace surveillance, artificial intelligence, predictive algorithms, big data, platform work, surveillance capitalism, subordination, contract of employment, collective labour rights
competition law, collective bargaiing, self-employed work, personal work relations, platform work
platform work, algorithmic management, presumption of employment, self-employment
nternational Labour Standards, personal scope of International Labour Standards, employment relationship, self-employment, Domestic Workers Convention, collective bargaining,
essential workers, work-from-home, digital surveillance, COVID-19 pandemic, electronic performance monitoring, managerial prerogatives, algorithmic management, collective bargaining
Labor Regulation, Flexibility, Employment Protection Legislation, Platform Work, Employment Relationship
Personal work approach, future of work, subordination, remote work
Artificial Intelligence, workplace surveillance, algorithmic management, gig-economy, labour regulation, industrial relations,
Artificial intelligence, risk-based approach, algorithmic management, platform work, automated decision-making, data protection, impact assessment, comparative analysis
labour law, the law of work, non-domination, subordination, contract of employment, managerial prerogatives, employer and managerial authority, private government, personal work approach
Artificial Intelligence, Management by Algorithms, Algorithmic Discrimination, Workplace Surveillance, Fundamental Labour Rights, Digitalisation, People Analytics, Big Data
Responses to the crisis, labour market segmentation, dualist labour markets, non-standard work contracts, single permanent contract
Labor Market Flexibility, Italian Labor Market, Relational Contracts Theory, Transaction Costs Theory, Temporary Working Contracts
Artificial Intelligence, workplace surveillance, algorithmic management, gig-economy, labour regulation
gig-economy, algorithmic management, discrimination, artificial intelligence, crowdwork, uberisation, casual work, platform-based work, fundamental principles and rights at work,
platform work, labour platform, Italy, gig-economy, union, employment law