Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH
United Kingdom
University of Surrey - School of Economics
Interval Prediction, Quantile Regression, Multiple Hypothesis Testing, Weak Moment Inequalities, Wild Bootstrap, Growth-at-Risk.
operational risk, panel data, incidental parameters, jackknife, censoring
degeneracy, uniform inference, block bootstrap, out-of-sample evaluation, excess bond returns
Irregular Identification, Selection Bias, Local Polynomial, Trimming, Count Data.
Convex loss function, Empirical processes, Forecast superiority, General loss function
diffusion model, jump intensity, jump size density, tricity
discrete time duration model, heaping, measurement error, neonatal mortality, parameters on the boundary
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Deep Trade Agreements, Lasso, Machine Learning, preferential trade agreements
st0001, heap, heapmph, heapop, Discrete Time Duration Model, Heaping, Measurement Error, Ordered Probability Model