Institute of Quantitative Economic Research
D-30167 Hannover
P.O. Box 7240
Bonn, D-53072
University of Hannover
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work-life balance, telecommuting, remote work, effects on employees, job satisfaction, COVID-19
Dual Industrial Relations, Bargaining, Efficiency, Rent Seeking, Correlated Double Selection
height, wages, nonlinear, cyclical effects, discrimination
height, risk preference
Germany, Objective and Subjective Job Security, United Kingdom, Wages
industrial relations, pacts for employment and competitiveness, investments
job security, wages, Germany, UK
financial literacy, financial behavior, gender gap, individual characteristics, societal norms, Thailand
skill shortage, Great Recession, firm characteristics, measures
asset managers, gender, qualification, segregation, attitudes
personnel records, overtime, promotion, job mobility, cancellation agreement, transfer organisation
job satisfaction, training, works councils
linked employer-employee data, unobserved worker and firm heterogeneity, tenure, wages
wage rigidity, wage sweep up, job mobility, quits, layoffs, promotions
Field experiments, Allais paradox, socio-demographic characteristics, prospective reference theory, first order stochastic dominance, risk attitude, optimism
flexible working time, working time accounts, establishments, productivity, wages, labor mobility, operating surplus, profits, share of qualified workers, sales fluctuations, compensation period
short-time work, working from home, labour mobility, COVID-19, panel analysis, high-frequency establishment data
personality traits, collegiality, commitment to a company, working conditions, health status
Cheating, Corruption, Individual Characteristics, Lab-in-the-Field Experiment
over- and underweight, health, income, satisfaction, gender, self-confidence, wage earners vs. self-employed, private vs. public sector, Eastern vs. Western Germany, interdependencies, matching
Corruption, cheating, individual characteristics, lab-in-the-field experiment
COVID-19, states, regional characteristics, personality traits, vaccinations, testing, machine learning, cluster-robust estimation, unobserved characteristics, heterogeneity, corona waves, structural break
health, body mass index, underweight, obesity, gender, resilience, vulnerability
citizens' initiative, donations, life satisfaction, personality traits, unpaid work, volunteering