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Trondheim, NO-7465
SINTEF Industry
in Total Papers Downloads
Other, GHGT-14
CO2 liquefaction, CO2 intermediate storage, CO2 export terminal
CCS, CO2 Ship logistics, Offshore Unloading, Low pressure, Tool-box
CO2 transport, low pressure transport, large CO2 carriers
CCS, CCUS, SBCC, Carbon capture, CO2 capture, Onboard capture, Port integration
CO2 Transportation, CO2 Shipping, Cost Estimation
CO2LOS, Ship transportation of CO2, GHG emission, Boil off gas, Intermediate storage, Liquefaction, Cost estimation
CO2LOS, Ship transportation of CO2, GHG emission, Boil off gass, Intermediate storage, Liquefaction, Cost estimation
Coal/gas/biomass boiler, Cement plant, Cost estimation, CO2 capture, GHGT-14
CO2 Capture, Process Industry, Excess Energy, Capture Technology
Cement, GHGT-14
Life Cycle Assessment, Carbon Capture, Shipping, Ship-based Carbon Capture, On-board Carbon Capture
CO2 logistics; CO2 transport; ship transport; CCS network optimisation
CO2 transport; estimation of costs for CO2 transport
Carbon capture; Joint infrastructure; Chemical absorption; Industrial cluster
Ship based carbon capture,Logistics, CO2 infrastructure, SBCC