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International Monetary Fund (IMF)
in Total Papers Citations
Inflation, Wages, Profits, Terms of Trade
Output, Inflation, Manufacturing, Supply Constraints, PPI inflation, producer price inflation, supply-shock contribution, chip shortage, industry expert, Supply shocks, Inflation, Manufacturing, Producer price indexes, Labor shortages, Global
COVID-19 recession, Employment, Gender, sectoral employment, labor force participation contribution, gender gap change, labor market change, sectoral workforce composition, Employment rate, Women, Gender inequality, Labor markets, Global
Inflation, Wages, Wage-price spirals, Labor markets., wage-price spiral, nominal wage growth, Phillips curve, Phillips Curve estimation, Wage-Price spiral, Real wages, Labor markets, Wage adjustments
inequality, optimal monetary policy, Taylor rules
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capital controls, macroprudential policies, monetary policy
Green jobs, Green Skills, Polluting jobs, Emissions, Environmental Regulation.
hours worked, working hours, labor market, Europe, policy reform, worker level, scant evidence, summary statistics, full time worker, Labor markets, Women, Labor supply, Labor force participation
Labor market mobility, Job transitions, Occupational mobility, Routinization, Business cycles, worker reallocation, routine occupation, earnings gain, earnings consequence, occupation transition, Economic recession, Wages, Unemployment, Unskilled labor, Europe
Labor market mobility, job transitions, occupational mobility, routinization, business cycles
Foreign exchange market volatility, Financial crises, Risk management, International investment position, Financial intermediation, Korea, Capital flows, Exchange Rate, Flow of Funds., WP, foreign asset, capital flow, investor base, VIX, non-financial corporation
COVID-19, pandemics, vaccinations.
National accounts, Tax revenue, Disposable income, Consumption, Employment, Inequality, Public Investment, Cambodia., WP, property taxation, infrastructure investment, Gini, Gini coefficient, rural sector
Total factor productivity, Labor markets, Labor force, Capacity utilization, Supply and demand, Potential output, labor markets., output gap, broad measure, slack, traditional measure, late observation
Inflation, wages, Profits, Terms of Trade