Insurability of Pandemic Risks

42 Pages Posted: 16 Dec 2020 Last revised: 3 Jul 2023

See all articles by Helmut Gründl

Helmut Gründl

Goethe University Frankfurt - Department of Finance; International Center for Insurance Regulation

Danjela Guxha

University of St. Gallen

Anastasia V. Kartasheva

University of St. Gallen - I.VW-HSG; Joshua J. Harris Alternative Investment Program; Swiss Finance Institute

Hato Schmeiser

University of Münster - Faculty of Economics; University of St. Gallen - I.VW-HSG

Date Written: December 14, 2020


The paper analyzes the scope for the private market for pandemic insurance and discusses the potential role of the financial market and the government. Building on a premise that pandemics are classified as catastrophic risks by the insurance industry, we start by providing a framework that explains theoretically how the catastrophe insurance supply and demand depend on the skewed and fat-tailed loss distributions and the co-movement between insurance stocks performance and the financial market. We use the model to estimate the supply of insurance for natural catastrophes. Then, by using the high-frequency data that tracks the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US, we calibrate the loss distribution of a hypothetical insurance contract designed to alleviate the impact of the pandemic on small businesses and employment. The model of catastrophic insurance supply provides a calibration of the supply of pandemic insurance and allows us to compare it to other types of catastrophic insurance. Building on our estimation results, we discuss the scope for the risk transfer to the financial market and the role of the government.

Keywords: pandemic insurance, catastrophe risk transfer, private-public partnerships

JEL Classification: G22, G28, G32, J65, H84, Q54

Suggested Citation

Gründl, Helmut and Guxha, Danjela and Kartasheva, Anastasia V. and Schmeiser, Hato, Insurability of Pandemic Risks (December 14, 2020). Available at SSRN: or

Helmut Gründl

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International Center for Insurance Regulation ( email )

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Danjela Guxha

University of St. Gallen ( email )

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Anastasia V. Kartasheva (Contact Author)

University of St. Gallen - I.VW-HSG ( email )

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Joshua J. Harris Alternative Investment Program ( email )

The Wharton School
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Swiss Finance Institute ( email )

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Hato Schmeiser

University of Münster - Faculty of Economics ( email )

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48143 Munster

University of St. Gallen - I.VW-HSG ( email )

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St. Gallen, 9010

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