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Mechanisms and Stages of Covid-19 Immunopathology Revealed by Tissue-Specific Proteomes
30 Pages Posted: 27 May 2021
Background: Tissue inflammation in fatal COVID-19 is concentrated in the lung and spleen. Anti-inflammatory therapy reduces mortality but knowledge on the host response at the level of inflamed tissues is incomplete.
Methods: We performed targeted proteomic analysis of pulmonary and splenic tissues from 13 fatal cases of COVID-19 that underwent rapid autopsy, and compared to control tissues from cancer resection (lung) and deceased organ donors (spleen). Viral RNA presence was determined by multiplex PCR, and protein was isolated from tissue by phenol extraction. Targeted multiplex immunoassay panels were used for protein detection and quantification.
Findings: Pulmonary proteins with increased abundance in COVID-19 included the monocyte/macrophage chemoattractant MCP-3, antiviral TRIM21 and pro-thrombotic TYMP. The lung injury markers OSM and EN-RAGE/S100A12 were highly correlated and associated with tissue inflammation severity. Unsupervised clustering of lung proteomes clearly defined two COVID-19 clusters; these differed by viral presence, tissue inflammation severity and illness duration and were annotated ‘early viral’ and ‘late inflammatory’ groups. In the spleen, lymphocyte chemotactic factors and CD8A were decreased in COVID-19, with pro-apoptotic factors, B-cell signalling components and macrophage colony stimulating factor (CSF-1) all increased. To contextualise our findings, we cross-referenced an existing meta-analysis of host factors in COVID-19 (MAIC). Overlap with a substantial sub-set of factors (including DDX58, OSM, TYMP, IL-18, MCP-3 and CSF-1) was found, with numerous additional proteins also identified by our study.
Interpretation: Tissue proteomes from fatal COVID-19 identify disease subsets and dissect host immunopathologic signatures. In doing so, this may afford unique opportunities for therapeutic intervention.
Funding Information: This work was funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) (Coronavirus Disease [COVID-19] Rapid Response Initiative; MR/V028790/1 to C.D.L., D.A.D., and J.A.H.), LifeArc (through the University of Edinburgh STOPCOVID funding award, to K.D, D.A.D, C.D.L), The Chief Scientist Office (RARC-19 Funding Call, ‘Inflammation in Covid-19: Exploration of Critical Aspects of Pathogenesis; COV/EDI/20/10’ to D.A.D, C.D.L, C.D.R, J.K.B and D.J.H), and Medical Research Scotland (CVG-1722-2020 to DAD, CDL, CDR, JKB, and DJH). C.D.L is funded by a Wellcome Trust Clinical Career Development Fellowship (206566/Z/17/Z). J.K.B. and C.D.R. are supported by the Medical Research Council (grant MC_PC_19059) as part of the ISARIC Coronavirus Clinical Characterisation Consortium (ISARIC-4C). C.D.R. is supported by an Edinburgh Clinical Academic Track (ECAT)/Wellcome Trust PhD Training Fellowship for Clinicians award (214178/Z/18/Z). J.A.H. is supported by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (contract 75F40120C00085, Characterization of severe coronavirus infection in humans and model systems for medical countermeasure development and evaluation’). G.C.O is funded by an NRS Clinician award. N.N.G. is funded by a Pathological Society Award. A.R.A. is supported by a Cancer Research UK Clinician Scientist Fellowship award (A24867).
Declaration of Interests: All authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Ethics Approval Statement: Written informed consent to undertake postmortem examinations was obtained from next-of-kin. Ethical approval was granted by the East of Scotland Research Ethics Service (16/ES/0084).
Keywords: COVID-19; lung; proteomics; inflammation; macrophages
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation