The Role of Fiscal Policy in Sustainable Stabilization: Evidence from Latin America

33 Pages Posted: 15 Feb 2006

See all articles by Teresa Ter-Minassian

Teresa Ter-Minassian

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Gerd Schwartz

International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Fiscal Affairs Department

Date Written: August 1997


This paper reviews the role of fiscal policy in a number of stabilization programs in Latin America since the early 1980s. The paper highlights the importance of sustainable fiscal adjustment in stabilization efforts, and discusses the main issues that arise in this context. By reviewing the Latin American experience, it is argued that responsibility for failed stabilization attempts can be traced to four main factors: inconsistent policy mixes; excessive reliance on temporary factors of improvement in the fiscal accounts; failure to implement fundamental fiscal reforms; and lack of complementary structural reforms.

Keywords: Fiscal policy, Stabilization, Latin America

JEL Classification: E60, E62

Suggested Citation

Ter-Minassian, Teresa and Schwartz, Gerd, The Role of Fiscal Policy in Sustainable Stabilization: Evidence from Latin America (August 1997). IMF Working Paper No. 97/94, Available at SSRN:

Teresa Ter-Minassian (Contact Author)

International Monetary Fund (IMF) ( email )

700 19th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20431
United States

Gerd Schwartz

International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Fiscal Affairs Department ( email )

700 19th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20431
United States

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