Andreas Löschel

University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics

Professor of Economics

Universitätsstr. 14-16

48143 Munster




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Scholarly Papers (64)

The Economic and Environmental Implications of the Us Repudiation of the Kyoto Protocol and the Subsequent Deals in Bonn and Marrakech

Number of pages: 43 Posted: 10 Feb 2002
Andreas Löschel and ZhongXiang Zhang
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and Tianjin University - Ma Yinchu School of Economics
Downloads 900 (52,695)
Citation 13



Climate policy, emission trading, market power, marginal abatement costs, Kyoto Protocol

The Economic and Environmental Implications of the Us Repudiation of the Kyoto Protocol and the Subsequent Deals in Bonn and Marrakech

Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv - Review of World Economics, Vol. 138, No. 4, pp. 711-746, 2002
Posted: 23 Sep 2002
Andreas Löschel and ZhongXiang Zhang
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and Tianjin University - Ma Yinchu School of Economics



Climate policy, emission trading, market power, marginal abatement costs, Kyoto Protocol, Monte Carlo simulation


Market Power in International Emission Trading - the Impacts of U.S. Withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol

ZEW Working Paper No. 01-58
Number of pages: 29 Posted: 11 Jan 2002
Christoph Böhringer and Andreas Löschel
University of Oldenburg - Economic Policy and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 873 (55,776)
Citation 12



climate policy, emission trading, market power


Measuring Sustainable Development: The Use of Computable General Equilibrium Models

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 04-014
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 25 Aug 2004 Last Revised: 14 Aug 2008
Christoph Böhringer and Andreas Löschel
University of Oldenburg - Economic Policy and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 738 (69,779)
Citation 4



Computable general equilibrium modeling (CGE), sustainability impact assessment (SIA), sustainable development (SD)


Technological Change in Economic Models of Environmental Policy: A Survey

Number of pages: 48 Posted: 09 Feb 2004
Andreas Löschel
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 532 (105,676)
Citation 322



Climate policy, exogenous technological change, induced technological change, environment-economy models


Climate Policy and the Problem of Competitiveness: Border Tax Adjustments or Integrated Emission Trading?

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 08-061
Number of pages: 33 Posted: 11 Sep 2008
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic ResearchUniversity of Bonn
Downloads 396 (150,009)
Citation 15



Border Tax Adjustments, Climate Policy, Competitiveness, Emission Trading


Assessing Emission Allocation in Europe: An Interactive Simulation Approach

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 04-040
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 03 Jul 2004 Last Revised: 14 Aug 2008
University of Oldenburg - Economic Policy, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, University of Hamburg, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Downloads 382 (156,083)
Citation 7



Emissions trading, allowance allocation, National Allocation Plans

Coordination Under Threshold Uncertainty in a Public Goods Game

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 11-065
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 12 Jan 2012
University of Gothenburg, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, Erasmus University - Rotterdam School of Management, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research - Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management Research and University of Bologna
Downloads 306 (197,082)
Citation 3



public good, threshold uncertainty, ambiguity, experiment

Coordination Under Threshold Uncertainty in a Public Goods Game

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Economics Working Paper No. 20
Number of pages: 48 Posted: 24 Nov 2011
University of Gothenburg, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, Erasmus University - Rotterdam School of Management, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research - Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management Research and University of Bologna
Downloads 68 (672,770)
Citation 3



public good, threshold uncertainty, ambiguity, experiment


Understanding the Competitiveness Implications of Future Phases of EU ETS on the Industrial Sectors

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 10-044
Number of pages: 81 Posted: 27 Jul 2010
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 283 (215,371)
Citation 9



Emissions Trading, Competitiveness, Cost Pass-Through


The Rebound Effect and its Representation in Energy and Climate Models

FCN Working Paper No. 16/2018
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 20 Jan 2019 Last Revised: 16 Dec 2020
Gloria Colmenares, Andreas Löschel and Reinhard Madlener
University of Münster, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and RWTH Aachen University
Downloads 262 (233,686)
Citation 15



Rebound effect, Macroeconomic models, Energy efficiency, Energy policy


Auctioning of CO2 Emission Allowances in Phase 3 of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 08-081
Number of pages: 31 Posted: 10 Nov 2008
Andreas Löschel, Bodo Sturm and Eva Benz
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences - HTWK Leipzig and ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Downloads 259 (235,492)
Citation 2



climate policy, emissions trading, auction design

Information Nudges, Subsidies, and Crowding Out of Attention: Field Evidence from Energy Efficiency Investments

Number of pages: 40 Posted: 23 Sep 2022
Matthias Rodemeier and Andreas Löschel
Bocconi University and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 195 (308,021)



information, nudges, optimal taxation, internality taxes, field experiments, energy efficiency, behavioral public economics

Information Nudges, Subsidies, and Crowding Out of Attention: Field Evidence from Energy Efficiency Investments

IZA Discussion Paper No. 16141
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 17 May 2023
Matthias Rodemeier and Andreas Löschel
Bocconi University and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 53 (760,247)



information, nudges, optimal taxation, internality taxes, field experiments, energy efficiency, behavioral public economics


Carbon Taxes and Joint Implementation

ZEW Discussion Paper No. 00-45
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 15 Jun 2003
Christoph Böhringer, Klaus Conrad and Andreas Löschel
University of Oldenburg - Economic Policy, University of Mannheim - Department of Economics and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 247 (246,903)



environmental tax reform, joint implementation, productivity gaps, energy efficiency improvement, computable general equilibrium modeling


Directed Technical Change and Climate Policy

FEEM Working Paper No. 81.2006
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 28 Mar 2006
Vincent M. Otto, Andreas Löschel and John M. Reilly
affiliation not provided to SSRN, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
Downloads 239 (255,104)
Citation 3



Directed Technical Change, Climate Policy, Computable General Equilibrium Model, R&D


Impure Public Goods and Technological Interdependencies

FEEM Working Paper No. 60.05, ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 05-019
Number of pages: 33 Posted: 26 Apr 2005 Last Revised: 18 Aug 2008
Andreas Löschel and Dirk T. G. Rübbelke
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
Downloads 234 (260,268)
Citation 86



Impure public goods, climate policy, rationing


Environmental Taxation and Structural Change in an Open Economy

ZEW Discussion Paper No. 01-07
Number of pages: 27 Posted: 11 Feb 2003
Christoph Böhringer, Heinz Welsch and Andreas Löschel
University of Oldenburg - Economic Policy, University of Oldenburg and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 233 (261,320)



environmental taxation, imperfect competition, structural change


Alleviating Adverse Implications of EU Climate Policy on Competitiveness: The Case for Border Tax Adjustments or the Clean Development Mechanism?

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 08-095
Number of pages: 26 Posted: 10 Dec 2008
Viktoria Alexeeva-Talebi, Niels Anger and Andreas Löschel
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 221 (274,829)
Citation 3



Emissions Trading, EU ETS, Competitiveness, Border tax adjustments, Clean Development Mechanism, CGE model


The Impact of a Feed-In Tariff on Wind Power Development in Germany

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 14-035
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 24 Jun 2014
Claudia Hitaj, Michael Schymura and Andreas Löschel
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Economic Research Service (ERS), ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 210 (288,417)
Citation 13



wind power, feed-in tariff, electricity transmission


The Demand for Voluntary Carbon Sequestration – Experimental Evidence From a Reforestation Project in Germany

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 21-088
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 10 Dec 2021 Last Revised: 06 Jul 2023
Lara Bartels, Martin Kesternich and Andreas Löschel
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 203 (297,556)
Citation 1



voluntary provision of environmental public goods, climate change mitigation, carbon sequestration, willingness to pay, co-benefits, revealed preferences, framed-field experiment

The Welfare Effects of Persuasion and Taxation: Theory and Evidence from the Field

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 20-019
Number of pages: 80 Posted: 28 Apr 2020 Last Revised: 07 Feb 2023
Matthias Rodemeier and Andreas Löschel
Bocconi University and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 144 (401,633)
Citation 2



persuasion, optimal taxation, internality taxes, field experiments, energy efficiency, behavioral public economics

The Welfare Effects of Persuasion and Taxation: Theory and Evidence from the Field

CESifo Working Paper No. 8259
Number of pages: 79 Posted: 06 May 2020
Matthias Rodemeier and Andreas Löschel
Bocconi University and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 40 (855,380)
Citation 4



persuasion, optimal taxation, internality, taxes, field experiments, energy efficiency, behavioral public economics


Drivers of Energy Efficiency in German Manufacturing: A Firm-Level Stochastic Frontier Analysis

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 17-68
Number of pages: 33 Posted: 21 Dec 2017
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research - Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management Research, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Department Labour Markets, Human Resources and Social Policy and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 182 (328,706)
Citation 5



Stochastic Frontier Analysis, Stochastic Demand Frontier, Energy Efficiency, Climate Policy, Manufacturing


Can Self-Set Goals Encourage Resource Conservation? Field Experimental Evidence from a Smartphone App

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 20-039
Number of pages: 81 Posted: 17 Sep 2020 Last Revised: 21 Jul 2022
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, Bocconi University and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 173 (343,779)



Nudging, goal setting, scalability, field experiments, energy, behavioral welfare economics, mobile phones

The Demand for Global and Local Environmental Protection - Experimental Evidence from Climate Change Mitigation in Beijing

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 6973
Number of pages: 53 Posted: 08 Jun 2018
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, Renmin University of China - School of Applied Economics, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences - HTWK Leipzig, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Universitaet Regensburg and University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) - School of International Trade and Economics
Downloads 90 (570,815)
Citation 4



demand for environmental protection, experimental economics, willingness to pay, voluntary climate change mitigation, cobenefits

The Demand for Global and Local Environmental Protection – Experimental Evidence from Climate Change Mitigation in Beijing

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 18-017
Number of pages: 53 Posted: 20 Apr 2018
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, Renmin University of China - School of Applied Economics, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences - HTWK Leipzig, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Universitaet Regensburg and University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) - School of International Trade and Economics
Downloads 83 (600,858)
Citation 2



demand for environmental protection, experimental economics, willingness to pay, China; voluntary climate change mitigation, co-benefits


Energy Biased Technical Change: A Cge Analysis

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 05-032, FEEM Working Paper No. 90.05
Number of pages: 38 Posted: 24 Jun 2005 Last Revised: 18 Aug 2008
Andreas Löschel, Vincent M. Otto, Rob Dellink and Rob Dellink
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, affiliation not provided to SSRN and Wageningen University and Research (WUR) - Environmental Economics and Natural Resources GroupOrganization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
Downloads 168 (352,653)
Citation 1



computable general-equilibrium models, endogenous technical change, energy, environment


Climate Policy Beyond Kyoto: Quo Vadis?

ZEW Discussion Paper No. 03-09
Number of pages: 57 Posted: 10 Sep 2003
Christoph Böhringer and Andreas Löschel
University of Oldenburg - Economic Policy and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 156 (375,409)



climate policy, cross-impact analysis, computable general equilibrium modeling


The Impacts of the EU ETS on Efficiency – An Empirical Analyses for German Manufacturing Firms

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 16-089
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 06 Jan 2017
Andreas Löschel, Benjamin Johannes Lutz and Shunsuke Managi
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research and Kyushu University
Downloads 154 (379,505)
Citation 8



Control of Externalities, Emissions Trading, Economic Performance, Manufacturing, Difference-in-Differences, Nearest Neighbor Matching, Stochastic Production Frontier


Efficiency Gains from 'What' - Flexibility in Climate Policy - an Integrated Cge Assessment

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 04-048
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 19 Oct 2004 Last Revised: 15 Aug 2008
University of Oldenburg - Economic Policy, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and Centre for Energy Policy and Economics
Downloads 148 (392,222)
Citation 4



Climate policy, integrated assessment, what-flexibility


Den Strommarkt an die Wirklichkeit anpassen: Skizze einer neuen Marktordnung (Adapt the Electricity Market to Reality: Outline of a New Market Design)

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 13-065
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 15 Sep 2013
Andreas Löschel, Florens Flues, Frank Pothen and Philipp Massier
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena and ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research - Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management Research
Downloads 141 (407,735)
Citation 3



Strommarkt, Erneuerbare Energien, Marktprämie, Market Splitting


On the Self-Serving Use of Equity Principles in International Climate Negotiations

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 07-025
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 10 Mar 2010
Andreas Lange, Andreas Löschel, Carsten Vogt and Andreas Ziegler
University of Hamburg, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, Zentrum fuer EuropSische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW Centre for European Economic Research), Environmental & Resource Economics and Center for European Economic Research (ZEW)
Downloads 132 (429,161)
Citation 5



bargaining theory, equity criteria, self-serving bias, climate policy, survey data


Recycling of Eco-Taxes, Labor Market Effects and the True Cost of Labor: A CGE Analysis

ZEW Discussion Paper No. 02-31
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 20 Aug 2002
Andreas Löschel and Klaus Conrad
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and University of Mannheim - Department of Economics
Downloads 129 (436,970)
Citation 5



Market-based environmental policy, carbon taxes, double dividend, computable general equilibrium modeling


Coordinating to Protect the Global Climate: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Inequality and Commitment

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 10-049
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 28 Jul 2010
Alessandro Tavoni, Astrid Dannenberg and Andreas Löschel
University of Bologna, University of Gothenburg and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 128 (439,651)



Experimental Economics, Threshold Public Goods Game, Climate Change, Inequality, Pledge


Climate Policy Induced Investments in Developing Countries

ZEW Discussion Paper No. 02-68
Number of pages: 34 Posted: 15 Jun 2003
Christoph Böhringer and Andreas Löschel
University of Oldenburg - Economic Policy and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 128 (439,651)
Citation 1



investment risks, international climate policy


Modeling Technological Change in Economic Models of Climate Change: A Survey

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 13-007
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 16 Feb 2013
Andreas Löschel and Michael Schymura
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Downloads 127 (442,340)
Citation 4



Exogenous Technical Change, Endogenous Technological Change, Price Inducement, Learning-By-Doing, Directed Technical Change, Modeling


The Demand for Climate Protection – An Empirical Assessment for Germany

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 10-068
Number of pages: 46 Posted: 17 Oct 2010
Andreas Löschel, Bodo Sturm and Carsten Vogt
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences - HTWK Leipzig and Zentrum fuer EuropSische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW Centre for European Economic Research), Environmental & Resource Economics
Downloads 126 (444,949)
Citation 7



Experimental economics, demand for climate protection, climate change, willingness to pay


Negotiating Weights for Burden Sharing Rules Among Heterogeneous Parties: Empirical Evidence from a Survey Among Delegates in International Climate Negotiations

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 14-031
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 15 May 2014
Martin Kesternich, Andreas Löschel and Andreas Ziegler
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and Center for European Economic Research (ZEW)
Downloads 119 (464,747)
Citation 5



international climate negotiations, distributive justice, equity preferences, burden sharing rules


Oil and Unemployment in Germany

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 08-136
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 17 Apr 2009
Andreas Löschel and Ulrich Oberndorfer
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Downloads 107 (502,865)



oil price; unemployment; Germany


Decomposing Integrated Assessment Climate Change

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 05-007
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 08 Aug 2005 Last Revised: 19 Aug 2008
University of Oldenburg - Economic Policy, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and Centre for Energy Policy and Economics
Downloads 107 (502,865)



integrated assessment, decomposition, terminal constraints, optimal taxation


On the Effects of Unilateral Environmental Policy on Offshoring in Multi-Stage Production Processes

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 14-121
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 10 Feb 2015
Oliver Schenker, Simon Koesler and Andreas Löschel
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research - Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management Research and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 101 (524,075)



Unilateral Climate Policy, Border Carbon Taxes, Vertical Specialisation, Offshoring, Outsourcing, Computable General Equilibrium


Designing an Emissions Trading Scheme for China – An Up-to-Date Climate Policy Assessment

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 14-020
Number of pages: 51 Posted: 21 Mar 2014
Michael Hübler, Andreas Löschel and Sebastian Voigt
Leibniz Universität Hannover, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Downloads 97 (538,284)
Citation 1



China, climate policy, ETS, linking, CGE


Revealed Preferences for Climate Protection when the Purely Individual Perspective is Relaxed - Evidence from a Framed Field Experiment

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 13-006
Number of pages: 50 Posted: 16 Feb 2013
Andreas Löschel, Bodo Sturm and Reinhard Uehleke
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences - HTWK Leipzig and Leipzig University of Applied Sciences - HTWK Leipzig
Downloads 90 (564,330)
Citation 14



Experimental economics, demand for climate protection, climate change, willingness to pay


On the Self-Interested Use of Equity in International Climate Negotiations

NBER Working Paper No. w14930
Number of pages: 38 Posted: 03 May 2009 Last Revised: 19 Oct 2022
Andreas Lange, Andreas Löschel, Carsten Vogt and Andreas Ziegler
University of Hamburg, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, Zentrum fuer EuropSische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW Centre for European Economic Research), Environmental & Resource Economics and ETH Zürich - Department of Management, Technology, and Economics (D-MTEC)
Downloads 86 (580,337)
Citation 1




Not Employed 37 Hours or Employed 41? - a Cge Analysis for Germany

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 05-042
Number of pages: 24 Posted: 05 Jul 2005 Last Revised: 19 Aug 2008
Klaus Conrad, Henrike Koschel and Andreas Löschel
University of Mannheim - Department of Economics, Center for European Economic Research (ZEW) and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 84 (588,647)



Unemployment, labor market rigidities, longer working hours, computable general equilibrium modelling


The EU Decarbonisation Roadmap 2050: What Way to Walk?

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 12-055
Number of pages: 74 Posted: 05 Sep 2012
Michael Hübler and Andreas Löschel
Leibniz Universität Hannover and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 78 (614,558)
Citation 4



EU, Decarbonisation Roadmap, Copenhagen Pledges, post Kyoto, energy-intensive sectors, competitiveness, leakage


Modelling to Generate Alternatives for Decarbonising the Energy Supply of University Campuses

Number of pages: 24 Posted: 20 Mar 2024
Ruhr University Bochum, Chair of Energy Systems and Energy Economics, Ruhr University Bochum, Ruhr University of Bochum and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 76 (623,332)



Sustainability, Campus decarbonization, Higher Education, Modeling to generate alternatives, Energy model, decision-making


Induced Innovation and Carbon Leakage

Number of pages: 66 Posted: 28 Jul 2022
Jon Becker, Jared C. Carbone and Andreas Löschel
Colorado School of Mines - Division of Economics and Business, Colorado School of Mines and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 70 (651,480)
Citation 1



induced innovation, R&D, carbon leakage, carbon tariffs, carbon tax, carbon cap, technology diffusion, knowledge spillovers, computable general equilibrium, North-South trade model


Invention in Energy Technologies: Comparing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Inventions at the Firm Level

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 14-036
Number of pages: 29 Posted: 28 Jun 2014
Sascha Rexhauser and Andreas Löschel
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 70 (651,480)
Citation 1



Innovation, invention, renewable energy, energy efficiency, dynamic count data


Trade and the Environment: An Application of the WIOD Database

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 13-005
Number of pages: 25 Posted: 01 Feb 2013
Andreas Löschel, Sascha Rexhauser and Michael Schymura
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research and ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Downloads 68 (661,023)
Citation 2



Environmental and Climate Economics, Trade and the Environment, Structural Decomposition


Investigating JEEM Empirically: A Story of Co-Authorship and Collaboration

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 12-029
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 20 Apr 2012
Michael Schymura and Andreas Löschel
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 66 (671,028)



Environmental and resource economics, co-authorship, production of knowledge


Do Voluntary Environmental Programs Reduce Emissions? EMAS in the German Manufacturing Sector

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 19-004
Number of pages: 29 Posted: 19 Feb 2019
University of Munster, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research - Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management Research
Downloads 64 (681,310)
Citation 5



Voluntary Environmental Programs, Firm-level Energy Behavior, Matching Difference-in-Differences


The Long-Term Impact of Matching and Rebate Subsidies When Public Goods are Impure: Field Experimental Evidence from the Carbon Offsetting Market

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 14-098
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 04 Dec 2014 Last Revised: 12 Dec 2014
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic ResearchHeidelberg University - Alfred Weber Institute for Economics
Downloads 64 (681,310)
Citation 11



voluntary carbon offsets, randomized field experiment, public goods, rebate subsidy, matching subsidy


The Value-Added of Sectoral Disaggregation: Implications on Competitive Consequences of Climate Change Policies

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 12-069
Number of pages: 45 Posted: 23 Nov 2012
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, University of Oldenburg - Economic Policy, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Downloads 63 (686,607)
Citation 4



Sectoral disaggregation, emissions trading, border adjustment, competitiveness, carbon leakage


Improving Voluntary Public Good Provision by a Non-Governmental, Endogenous Matching Mechanism: Experimental Evidence

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 14-075
Number of pages: 33 Posted: 14 Oct 2014
Christiane Reif, Dirk T. G. Rübbelke and Andreas Löschel
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research - Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management Research, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 56 (725,329)
Citation 1



laboratory experiment, public good, matching mechanism, social norms, norm enforcement


Credit Constraints, Energy Management Practices, and Investments in Energy Saving Technologies: German Manufacturing in Close-Up

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 17-072
Number of pages: 46 Posted: 21 Dec 2017
Andreas Löschel, Benjamin Johannes Lutz and Philipp Massier
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research and ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research - Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management Research
Downloads 55 (731,209)



Energy efficiency, Credit constraints, Energy management, Manufacturing industry, Investment behavior


Ups and Downs: How Economic Growth Affects Policy Interactions

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 13-066
Number of pages: 22 Posted: 30 Sep 2013
Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research and ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Downloads 54 (737,283)
Citation 2



EU climate policy, Growth uncertainty, Overlapping regulation


Expansion of Intermittent Renewables: Strategies, Pass-through Costs, and Welfare Distribution

Number of pages: 33 Posted: 22 Dec 2021
Gloria Colmenares, Dominik Schober and Andreas Löschel
University of Münster, Deutsche Bundesbank and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 53 (743,419)



Renewables, input costs, pass-through, strategies


Trade Liberalization and SO2 Emissions: Firm-Level Evidence from China’s WTO Entry

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 20-031
Number of pages: 51 Posted: 21 Jul 2020
Andreas Löschel, Jiansuo Pei, Bodo Sturm, Anqi Yu and LEI LI
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, Renmin University of China - School of Applied Economics, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) and Nankai University
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WTO; trade liberalization; dual trade regime; SO2 emission intensity; China


Peeling the Onion: Analyzing Aggregate, National and Sectoral Energy Intensity in the European Union

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 15-011
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 17 Mar 2015
Andreas Löschel, Frank Pothen and Michael Schymura
University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics, Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena and ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
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Citation 1



Environmental and Climate Economics, Energy Intensity, Index Decomposition


Ratchet Up or Down? An Experimental Investigation of Global Public Good Provision in the United Nations Youth Associations Network

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 17-071
Number of pages: 25 Posted: 21 Dec 2017
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and Bard College - Bard College Berlin
Downloads 48 (775,444)



Paris Agreement; Nationally Determined Contributions; Ratched-up mechanism; International public goods; Online experiment


Pro-Environmental Households and Energy Efficiency in Spain

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Research Paper No. RSCAS 2015/18
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 02 Jul 2015
Ana Ramos, Xavier Labandeira and Andreas Löschel
University of Vigo - Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Vigo - Faculty of Economics and Business and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
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Citation 1



Energy efficiency, investment, behavior, habits


Did Fukushima Matter? Empirical Evidence of the Demand for Climate Protection in Germany

ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 24
Number of pages: 15 Posted: 24 May 2013
Carlo Gallier, Andreas Löschel and Bodo Sturm
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and Leipzig University of Applied Sciences - HTWK Leipzig
Downloads 44 (803,425)
Citation 6



Experimental economics, demand for climate protection


Municipal Building Codes and the Adoption of Solar Photovoltaics

CESifo Working Paper No. 10015
Number of pages: 85 Posted: 28 Oct 2022
Stefano Carattini, Bela Figge, Zander Gordan and Andreas Löschel
Georgia State University, Georgia State University, Georgia State University - Department of Economics and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 38 (848,606)



building codes, solar photovoltaics, policy evaluation, NIMBY


Managing Momentum in Climate Negotiations

CESifo Working Paper No. 8717
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 03 Dec 2020
Stefano Carattini and Andreas Löschel
Georgia State University and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 25 (965,768)
Citation 1




Employment Effects of Coal Mine Openings in China

Number of pages: 53 Posted: 25 Jul 2024
Yuanwei Xu, Tong Zhu and Andreas Löschel
Ruhr University of Bochum, University of Dundee and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Downloads 20 (1,018,729)



Resource Booms, Employment, China.


Assessing Emission Regulation in Europe: An Interactive Simulation Approach

Energy Journal, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 1-22, 2006
Posted: 14 Jun 2006
University of Oldenburg - Economic Policy, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, University of Hamburg, University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics and Frankfurt School of Finance & Management




Recycling of Eco-Taxes, Labor Market Effects an the True Cost of Labor- a CGE Analysis

Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. VIII, No. 2, pp. 259-278, November 2005
Posted: 12 Dec 2005
Klaus Conrad and Andreas Löschel
University of Mannheim - Department of Economics and University of Muenster - Chair of Microeconomics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics



market-based environmental policy, carbon taxes, double dividend, computable general equilibrium modeling