24 Mt. Auburn St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
United States
New England Complex Systems Institute
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food, food prices, unrest, riots, commodities, speculation, ethanol, Arab Spring
non-linear negotiation, interdependent issues
Large-scale design, product development, socio-technical systems, information systems, social networks, complex engineering systems, distributed problem solving
Quantitative Finance, Statistical Finance, Computer Science, Social and Information Networks, Physics and Society
Social Networks, Centrality, Time-Based Networks, Dynamic Hubs, Multi-Scale Networks, Turbulent Networks
Ethnic Conflict, Ethnic Violence, Ethnicity, Boundaries, Peace, Coexistence, Complexity, Complex Systems, Wavelet Filter
Organizational networks, Interfirm competition, Economic geography, Social networks, Spatial networks, Network dynamics, Firm size dynamics
organizational studies, social networks, large-scale product development, sociotechnical systems, complex engineering systems
resource oscillations, peer-to-peer, Stochastic Request Rejection
Collaborative Design, Organizational Designs, Complex Systems