Göteborg University - Department of Economics
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discount rate, uncertainty, declining discount rate, benefit-cost analysis
air pollution, environmental policy, tradable permits, developing countries
First in time, prior appropriation, grandfathering, incentives
Area-based conservation, Biodiversity metrics, Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, Nature-related Financial Disclosure, Mean Species Abundance, Reinforcement learning
emissions trading, greenhouse gas emissions trading, greenhouse gases, climate change
Climate change, willingness to pay, climate policy attitudes, political polarization, multi-country, China, United States, Sweden
discounting, relative consumption, Ramsey rule, degree of positionality, keeping up with the Joneses
India, China; G2, climate club; carbon emissions trading, allowance allocation, burden sharing; climate change
climate, energy, greenhouse gas, GHG, emissions reductions
climate leadership conditional cooperation, climate change
emission payments, carbon tax, refunding, CO2, NOX, policy design
Electric power, Capital utilization, Total factor productivity