Shabir Ahmed Madhi

Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital - Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Analytics Research Unit


South Africa

Johns Hopkins University - Department of International Health, International Vaccine Access Center

United States





Rank 46,684


Top 46,684

in Total Papers Citations


Scholarly Papers (4)


Global, Regional, and National Disease Burden Estimates of Acute Lower Respiratory Infections Due to Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Young Children in 2019: A Systematic Analysis

Number of pages: 35 Posted: 18 Jan 2022
Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing Medical University - School of Public Health, Government of the United States of America - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (CIC) - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, World Health Organization (WHO) - Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB), Boston University - Department of Global Health, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital - Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Analytics Research Unit, Yale University - Institute for Global Health, University of Colorado at Denver - Department of Pediatrics, University of Edinburgh - College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine, affiliation not provided to SSRN, National Center for Communicable Diseases, University of Barcelona - Institut de Salut Global de Barcelona (ISGlobal), Hospices Civils de Lyon - Laboratoire de Virologie, NCDC, University of Melbourne - Infection and Immunity, Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza, University of Melbourne - Infection and Immunity, affiliation not provided to SSRN, Hospital de Niños R. Gutiérrez, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor - Department of Epidemiology, University of Turku - Department of Pediatrics, National Centre for Biosecurity and Infectious Disease (NCBID) - Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited (ESR), affiliation not provided to SSRN, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, affiliation not provided to SSRN, University of Split, FISABIO-Public Health, Perth Children’s Hospital - Telethon Kids Institute, National Health Laboratory Services (NHLS) - Centre for Respiratory Diseases and Meningitis, affiliation not provided to SSRN, University of Warwick, affiliation not provided to SSRN, affiliation not provided to SSRN, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), affiliation not provided to SSRN, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, MAHAN Trust Mahatma Gandhi Tribal Hospital, affiliation not provided to SSRN, Hospital de Santa Maria, affiliation not provided to SSRN, affiliation not provided to SSRN, affiliation not provided to SSRN, University of the Witwatersrand - Department of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, affiliation not provided to SSRN, Nagasaki University - Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) - Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, University of Cape Town (UCT) - Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, affiliation not provided to SSRN, University of Edinburgh - College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 159 (381,782)
Citation 22



Respiratory Syncytial Virus, disease burden, global burden, acute lower respiratory infection, children, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, epidemiology, mortality


Causes of Stillbirth in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia: Findings from Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance, 2016-2021

Number of pages: 19 Posted: 18 Mar 2024
International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research (ICDDR’B), Johns Hopkins University - Department of Epidemiology, International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research (ICDDR’B), International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research (ICDDR’B), International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research (ICDDR’B), International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research (ICDDR’B), International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research (ICDDR’B), Crown Agents, World Hope International, Crown Agents, ICAP – Columbia University, Government of Mali - Centre pour le Développement des Vaccins, Government of Mali - Centre pour le Développement des Vaccins, University of Maryland - Department of Pediatrics, University of Maryland - Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health, University of Maryland - Department of Pediatrics, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital - Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Analytics Research Unit, University of the Witwatersrand - South African Medical Research Council, University of the Witwatersrand, University of the Witwatersrand, University of the Witwatersrand - Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Analytics Research Unit, Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Kisumu County Department of Health, Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Kisumu County Department of Health, Centro de Investigação em Saúde da Manhiça (CISM), University of Barcelona - Institut de Salut Global de Barcelona (ISGlobal), University of Barcelona - Institut de Salut Global de Barcelona (ISGlobal), Centro de Investigação em Saúde da Manhiça (CISM), Centro de Investigação em Saúde da Manhiça (CISM), Haramaya University - College Health and Medical Science, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine - Department of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, Mekelle University, Addis Ababa University, Emory University - Emory Global Health Institute, Emory University - Emory Global Health Institute, Government of the United States of America - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Emory University - Emory Global Health Institute, Emory University - Emory Global Health Institute, International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research (ICDDR’B) and Independent
Downloads 83 (612,936)



MITS, stillbirth, cause of death, CHAMPS, LMICs


Factors Predicting Mortality in Hospitalised Hiv-Negative Children with Lower-Chest-Wall Indrawing Pneumonia and Implications for Management

Number of pages: 29 Posted: 05 Aug 2021
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine - Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust, Johns Hopkins University - Department of International Health, International Vaccine Access Center, Thailand Ministry of Public Health–US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Collaboration - Global Disease Detection Center, Johns Hopkins University - Department of International Health, International Vaccine Access Center, Johns Hopkins University - Department of International Health, International Vaccine Access Center, Johns Hopkins University - International Vaccine Access Center, Thailand Ministry of Public Health–US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Collaboration - Global Disease Detection Center, Johns Hopkins University - Department of International Health, International Vaccine Access Center, Charles Darwin University - Menzies School of Health Research, Johns Hopkins University - Department of International Health, International Vaccine Access Center, University of Auckland, University of Maryland - Department of Pediatrics, University of Maryland - Department of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University - Department of International Health, International Vaccine Access Center, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital - Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Analytics Research Unit, University of Otago - Department of Pathology and Biomedical Sciences, World Health Organization (WHO), Boston University - Department of Global Health, University of the Witwatersrand - Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Analytics Research Unit, Medical Research Council Unit The Gambia at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust, University of the Witwatersrand, Boston University - Department of Global Health, Medical Research Council Unit The Gambia at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Boston University - Department of Global Health and Development, Centre pour le Développement des Vaccins (CVD-Mali), Thailand Ministry of Public Health–US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Collaboration - Global Disease Detection Center and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine - Department of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology
Downloads 35 (907,889)




Molecular Epidemiology of Sars-Cov-2 in Healthcare Workers at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital in South Africa

Number of pages: 19 Posted: 14 Oct 2024
affiliation not provided to SSRN, University of the Witwatersrand - Medical Research Council: Respiratory and Meningeal Pathogens Research Unit, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital - Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Analytics Research Unit and University of the Witwatersrand
Downloads 8 (1,213,259)



Healthcare Worker, SARS-CoV-2, Surveillance, Transmission Clusters, Genomic Sequencing, Molecular Epidemiology.