1000 Regent University Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
United States
Regent University School of Law
in Total Papers Downloads
public health, intellectual property, TRIPS, patent, healthcare, health, big data, innovation, health care, pharmaceuticals, alternatives, Hatch-Waxman, prizes, collectively governed systems, clinical trials, black box, transparency, Obamacare, privacy, human rights
Cyberspace, Objective cyberspace, Definition, Embodied switched network, Access, navigation, information-activity, augmentation, trust
Trademarks, Cyberspace, Initial Interest Confusion, Use as a mark, Nature and Place of use, Space pirates
focal points, trademarks, cyberspace, law of the horse, poisonous flowers, intellectual property, new technological uses, law and economics
Secondary liability, Non-neutral rules, Intellectual property, new technological uses, hostage style, consent style, safe harbors, distintegrating intellectual proprerty
Supernatural law, Natural law, Modern moral realism, Normative jurisprudence, Law & Morality, Rule of law, Non-imposition, Assurances of performance
Trademarks, Cyberspace, Initial Interest Confusion, Use "as" a mark
Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Cyberspace, Focal Points, Game Theory, Transaction Costs, Property Rights,Technological Change, Initial Interest, Use, Markers, Spoilers, Misappropriation, Deceit, Unfair Competition, Waste
Promissory estoppel, Reliance interest, Restatement Contracts, Civil Code
Moral realism, Restatement of the obvious, Modern moral realism, Normative jurisprudence
eBay, Public interest, Ghost patents, Novelty items, Phantom copyrights, Plagiarism, Invisible trademarks, Jabberwock, Disintegrating IP, Disintegration
Patents, AIA, America Invents Act, Patent Reform, Restatement, Codification, First to Invent, First to File, First to Declare
patents, nonobviousness, peanut butter jelly, non-scarcity economics, public domain protection agency
intellectual property, trademarks, cyberspace, focal points, new technological uses, law of the horse, poisonous flowers, magic horses, Superman, law and economics
Trademarks, Markers, Spoilers, Cyberspace, Initial Interest Confusion, Use as a Mark, Nature and Place of Use
Google library, cyberspace, new technological uses, copyright, fair use, nature and place of use