San 56-1, Silim-dong, Kwanak-ku
Seoul 151-742
Seoul National University - School of Economics
queueing problems with two servers, Shapley value, minimal, transfer rule, maximal transfer rule
cooperative game, proportional division value, monotonicity, consistency
probabilistic serial rule, extended probabilistic serial correspondence, full preference domain, sequentially ranked from the top domain, weak stochastic dominance strategy-proofness, axiomatic characterization.
Queueing problem, minimal transfer rule, maximal transfer rule, Shapley value, bidding mechanism, implementation
Slot allocation problem, single-peakedness, efficiency, strategy-proofness, individual rationality, Vickrey rule
Cooperative game, balanced externalities, proportional allocation of nonseparable contributions, consistency
Arrival queueing problem, Cost-symmetric M-transfer rule, Cost-symmetric C-transfer rule, Equal treatment of equal costs, Axiomatic characterization.