Small is the New Biglaw: Some Thoughts on Technology, Economics, and the Practice of Law
12 Pages Posted: 21 Apr 2010
Date Written: April 20, 2010
This paper looks at technological and economic changes affecting lawyers, and their effect on the competitiveness of large law firms. It explores methods of unbundling big law firm features, and providing similar services on a more ad hoc basis. In addition, it considers whether current legal education is properly preparing students for a world in which large law firms will be much less dominant. Based on a talk given at Hofstra Law School in March of 2009.
Keywords: Army of Davids, technology, disintermediation, law firm, efficiency, home office, third place
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Reynolds, Glenn Harlan, Small is the New Biglaw: Some Thoughts on Technology, Economics, and the Practice of Law (April 20, 2010). Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 38, 2009, University of Tennessee Legal Studies Research Paper No. 112, Available at SSRN:
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