Task-Specific Experience, Tacit Knowledge, and Compensation Contracts

53 Pages Posted: 17 Aug 2018 Last revised: 16 May 2022

See all articles by Eddy Cardinaels

Eddy Cardinaels

Tilburg University - Tilburg University School of Economics and Management; KU Leuven

Bart Dierynck

Tilburg University

Huaxiang Yin

Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University

Nathalie Beckers

Tilburg University

Date Written: May 16, 2022


This study experimentally examines whether task-specific experience acquired by managers influences their reliance on performance-based contracts to motivate employees in a setting in which the employee’s task can spark intrinsic motivation. Building on experiential learning theory, we predict that managers who acquire task-specific experience via doing the employee task will develop tacit knowledge regarding the cognitive stimulation and intrinsic motivation that the task generates. These managers will then prefer a fixed-wage contract, which relies on intrinsic motivation, over a performance-based contract to motivate their employees. Our results support these predictions. Compared with managers who only learn about the employee task from a description of the task, managers who perform the employee’s task are less likely to choose the performance-based contract. Results further validate our theory by showing that the difference in contract selection is driven by the manager’s perception of cognitive stimulation and intrinsic motivation of the task. Additional experiments further replicate and validate the main results. Our study enriches our understanding of the role of task-specific experience and tacit knowledge for compensation contract design.

Keywords: Tacit knowledge, task experience, task challenge, intrinsic motivation, compensation contract

JEL Classification: C91, D83, M40

Suggested Citation

Cardinaels, Eddy and Dierynck, Bart and Yin, Huaxiang and Beckers, Nathalie, Task-Specific Experience, Tacit Knowledge, and Compensation Contracts (May 16, 2022). AAA 2019 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3233645 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3233645

Eddy Cardinaels

Tilburg University - Tilburg University School of Economics and Management ( email )

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HOME PAGE: http://www.tilburguniversity.edu/webwijs/show/?uid=e.cardinaels

KU Leuven ( email )

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HOME PAGE: http://www.kuleuven.be/wieiswie/nl/person/00013472

Bart Dierynck

Tilburg University ( email )

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Tilburg, DC Noord-Brabant 5000 LE

Huaxiang Yin (Contact Author)

Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University ( email )

Singapore, 639798

HOME PAGE: http://www.nanyangbusinessschool.ntu.edu.sg/sprsv20/inter/MyProfileDetails.asp

Nathalie Beckers

Tilburg University ( email )

P.O. Box 90153
Tilburg, DC Noord-Brabant 5000 LE

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