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financial education, impact evaluation
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Financial Education, Impact Evaluation
air pollution, health, sickness insurance, labor supply
financial education, impact evaluation, selection bias
gender, labor supply, employment, wage differentials, parenting, education
gender gaps, working histories, promotions, central banking
promotions, working histories, gender gaps, central banking
central banking, gender gaps, promotions, working histories
financial literacy, gender gaps, survey methods
financial literacy, gender gaps, survey methods
joint retirement, social security incentives
joint retirement, social ecurity incentives
Joint retirement, Social security incentives
inequality, wage, labour supply, personal income, household saving, household consumption, wealth
gender, economics profession, academic labor market
academic labor market, economics profession, gender
public sector wage gap, quantile regression, wage distribution, panel data
wage distribution, quantile regression, public sector wage gap, panel data
Earnings inequality, social security data, unemployment, business cycle
earnings inequality, social security data, unemployment, business cycle
air pollution, health, labour supply, productivity
Financial competences, financial literacy, gender gap
Spain, income dynamics, administrative data, income risk, inequality
labor productivity, TFP, temporary workers, collective agreements, exporting firms
collective agreements, temporary workers, TFP, labor productivity, exporting firms
Panel data, dynamic nonlinear models, conditional heteroskedasticity, fixed effects, bias reduction, individual wages
panel data, dynamic nonlinear models, conditional heteroskedasticity, fixed effects, bias reduction, individual wages
regulation, discrimination, work-life balance, labour market
digital platform work, self-employment, employment
financial competences, personal finance, household finance, data collection, imputation, weights
Panel data, dynamic models, individual-job specific fixed effects, job changes, individual wages
individual-job specific fixed effects, job changes, individual wages, dynamic models, panel data
labor market duality, human capital, earnings dynamics
Panel data, nonlinear models, multiple fixed effects, incidental parameters, bias reduction
gender gaps, employment, earnings, children
earnings, employment, gender gaps, children