Why Do Banks Fail Together? Evidence From Executive Compensation

57 Pages Posted: 20 Dec 2023 Last revised: 23 Apr 2024

See all articles by Deniz Anginer

Deniz Anginer

Simon Fraser University (SFU)

Jinjing Liu

Moravian University

Cindy A. Schipani

University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business

H. Nejat Seyhun

University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Date Written: December 14, 2023


Recent bank failures have elicited extensive interest about the causes, focusing on incompetence of bank executives, policymakers, bank regulators and supervisors and even uninsured depositors. Yet, before we can prescribe solutions to bank failures, we need to identify the correct causes of the underlying problems. We argue that the problem is not so much with incompetence of executives, depositors, or regulators per se, but rather with managerial incentives.

We provide both a conceptual basis as well as empirical evidence to show that bank executives have incentives to increase systemic risks in order to maximize the benefits of bank bailouts. Consequently, looking at the overall bank risks, although useful, misses an important part of the picture of moral hazard problem. We argue that while bank executives are incentivized to increase systemic risk for the best interest of shareholders, these incentives also exacerbate the problem of financial stability.

Thus, any effort to alleviate the moral hazard problem requires an understanding and control of the incentives of bank managers. The mismatch between the cost of the deposit insurance premiums and the benefits of the bailout create an arbitrage opportunity for banks to maximize the net benefits of deposit insurance. We provide recommendations to counteract the distorting effects of bank incentive programs to take on excessive levels of systemic risk.

Keywords: Bank moral hazard; Systemic risk; Executive compensation; Relative performance evaluation

JEL Classification: G21; G33; G34; K22

Suggested Citation

Anginer, Deniz and Liu, Jinjing and Schipani, Cindy A. and Seyhun, H. Nejat, Why Do Banks Fail Together? Evidence From Executive Compensation (December 14, 2023). Volume XXIX, Fordham Journal of Corporate and Financial Law (Forthcoming), Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4666896

Deniz Anginer

Simon Fraser University (SFU) ( email )

8888 University Drive
Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6

Jinjing Liu (Contact Author)

Moravian University ( email )

Bethlehem, PA 18018
United States

Cindy A. Schipani

University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business ( email )

701 Tappan Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
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(734) 763-2257 (Phone)
(734) 763-2257 (Fax)

H. Nejat Seyhun

University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business ( email )

701 Tappan Street
Ann Arbor, MI MI 48109
United States
734-763-5463 (Phone)

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