Rua Diogo Botelho, 1327
Porto, 4169-005
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Católica Porto Business School
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Manager Objective Function, Overlapping Shareholding, Ownership Dispersion, Proportional Control, Banzhaf Control
Market Power, Overlapping Ownership, Structural Estimation, Antitrust Policy, Managerial Entrenchment, Airline Industry
Antitrust, Partial Horizontal Acquisitions, Oligopoly, Screening Indicators, HHI, GUPPI, Corporate Control, Banzhaf Power Index
Antitrust, Coordinated Effects, Partial Acquisitions, Oligopoly, Differentiated Products, Demand Estimation
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Antitrust, Coordinated Effects, Demand Estimation, Differentiated Products, Oligopoly, Partial Acquisitions
Overlapping Ownership, Common-Ownership, Cross-Ownership, Profit Weights, Automobile Industry
Market Dominance, Network Effects, Financial Trading, Demand
Rational Inattention, Information Frictions, Product Differentiation, Pricing
Telecommunications, Mobile, Fixed, Demand, Substitution, Complementarity
Partial Horizontal Ownership, Common-Ownership, Cross-Ownership, Full Joint Ownership, Duopoly, Cost Asymmetry
Antitrust, Unilateral Effects, Partial Acquisitions, Oligopoly, Differentiated Products, Demand Estimation
Antitrust, Demand Estimation, Differentiated Products, Oligopoly, Partial Acquisitions, Unilateral Effects
Straight Bonds; Covered Bonds; Securitization Bonds; Bond Pricing; Sovereign Risk; Asset Purchase Programmes
Overlapping Ownership, Vertical Differentiation
JEL Classication: L13, L41 Overlapping Ownership, Product Dierentiation, Collusion, Price Competition, Quantity Competition