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Wake Forest University - School of Law
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Human Rights Council, John Ruggie, corporations and human rights
climate change, human rights
human rights, climate change, United Nations, UN
human rights, environment, United Nations, climate change
United Nations, human rights, environment, climate change
International law, human rights law
human rights, environment, sustainable development goals
human rights, environment
human rights, biodiversity, ecosystem services
human rights, environment, Costa Rica, Human Rights Council
human rights, environment, human right to a healthy environment, Global Pact, General Assembly
Human rights law, international environmental law, extraterritoriality
judicial canons, legislative jurisdiction, jurisdiction to prescribe, presumption against extraterritoriality
human rights, environment, sustainable development
human rights law, environment, environmental justice, United States, racism, indigenous rights
NAFTA, Commission for Environmental Cooperation, U.S. free trade agreements, trade and environment
Global Pact for the Environment, human rights, environment
Presumption Against Extraterritoriality, Securities Law
legislative jurisdiction, jurisdiction to prescribe, presumption against extraterritoriality
albatrosses and petrels, Antarctic Liability Annex, Basel Convention, Biodiversity Convention, London Dumping Convention, Plant Genetic Resources Treaty, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, Convention on the Law of the Sea
human rights, disaster risk reduction, international environmental law
Human Rights, Environment, United Nations
water pollution, international environmental law, transboundary harm
treaties, political question, multilateral environmental agreements, climate change, Minamata Convention
human rights, environment, United Nations, Human Rights Council
United Nations, human rights, environment
human rights, environment, United Nations
human rights, environment, United Nations, France
Human Rights, Environment, Sustainable Development, Children
Madagascar, human rights, mining, logging, CITES
Human Rights, Environment, Sustainable Development, Mongolia
Commission for Environmental Cooperation
human rights, protected areas, Indigenous rights, conservation
Human Rights, Environment, Sustainable Development, Uruguay
environmental law; international law; international trade; international environmental law